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You knew that the day had to come. Even now, standing in the doorway of Tony's office, silently watching him gathering his own nerves even though he would never admit he was doing it, you hoped that a call would come in at this last possible second and call it all off. It took all of your will to swallow down the lump of emotions in your throat when he leaned down to press a quick kiss to the picture of Maggie that adorned his desk, the small and weathered bear from his childhood propped gently against it. He was acting like he was never coming back, and dammit if it wasn't making you feel the same.

"Dad, you've gotta stop. If you send us both into a panic attack, Steve's gonna lose it. We're all in the same boat here."

"Okay, okay, I know. I just hope that we're ready," he sighed, taking his place next to you at the door, looking back at the room with a final nod of approval. "But, no time like the present to find out, am I right?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun. We always have just the best time fighting Hydra, remember? It's like a family pastime."

"Sure," Tony scoffed, turning to leave and wrapping your arm in his to lead you to the rest of the waiting group, "nothing but happy memories with that bunch. You know that they're going to take full advantage of the fact that we've been out of commission for a while. We're like a bunch of rusty parts barely turning the gears."

"Pfft, I've got this. I'll just flip my shit and go rogue, works like a charm. Plus, added bonus," you smirked, "I usually get amnesic afterwards, so there's delayed guilt."

"That's not funny," he answered flatly, stopping abruptly in his tracks to look at you with his best fatherly disapproval; it was unnerving how this exact look could make you feel like a misbehaving five-year-old all over again.

"Sorry, sorry," you waved apologetically, "just trying to lighten the mood a bit. I won't make that mistake again." You silenced and started out again towards the hangar bay, taking the rest of the walk without saying anything more until you reached the doors, resting your hand against it with a pause before allowing him through. "Dad, we're all okay...we're ready. I just need to know if you're ready."



"Did that not come across as genuine? I really meant it to be, I swear!"

"Mmm hmm," your sneered, pushing the doors open with a heavy hand, holding it for him to pass by though he didn't immediately take your offer. "Well, go on," you urged, "Steve looks like he's about to take off in a sprint to get there before we can even get the bird in the air."

"(Y/N), I meant it." As he looked at you, still holding his stance, his eyes searched yours in earnest to find your understanding and belief that he so eagerly wanted and needed to see. He fully believed that he was ready, and that you all were, but knowing that you believed it too was the final thing that he needed before he could get into that suit again after all this time.

"Alright, I believe you," you finally relented, "but I can guarantee that convincing Steve won't be nearly that easy."

"Easy? That was not easy," he chuckled. "But you know what will be? Getting back to work. We all just need to find normal again." Tony pushed past you and through the door that you continued to hold for him, crossing the hangar bay quickly to a waiting Steve, soon to be joined by the rest of the team as they awaited their orders from the Captain. The faces that stared back at him were both eager and a little nervous, but he knew with every fiber in his being that the group would find their rhythm and be back to their ass-kicking selves in no time. "Call it, Cap."

I Thought You Were Different: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now