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"Get out of the goddamn suit, (Y/N)," Wade snapped, slapping his hand against the chest piece of the Iron Man gear that you had jumped into before he could stop you. "You're being stupid and you're not thinking clearly. Your estrogen is raging and making you crazy again."

"I've blocked FRIDAY from this suit, Wade, calm down. I've deactivated the rest, so if you think about it, in here is the safest place for me to be. You need to chill."

"I will not chill! Get out and let me do it! Let Spider-boy do it!" He turned to Peter with a rage in his eyes that had the young man taking a precautionary step back, "you. Go get Steve. Weiner Soldier, Black Wilson, Arrow Guy...anyone who can stop her."

"Stand down, Pete," you commanded with a challenge in your tone that he wouldn't dare take. "I'm the only one here that can use the suit, Wade, and they all know that. I need to get in there and shut her down."

"Can't you have Jolly Green Giant just smash his way in?"

"I'm not about to ask Bruce to do that," you snapped. "You have no idea how hard that is for him to do. This isn't a big deal, okay? I'm safe in here."

"I'll get Steve myself."

"Go ahead. He agrees with me on this. Besides, he's getting Dad out."

Wade stood silently with his mouth agape and his breath held; you weren't stopping, and it wasn't something that he was used to happening. He had bragged to Sam that he had this magical power over you, and now...nothing. "You're not gonna stop," he whispered sadly, "are you? It's not working. It always works."

The look on his face was so despondent now and so filled with a hurt that you didn't realize that you could cause, you had to open the helmet to see him with your own eyes, and to be able to talk to him clearly as yourself. "You know that I can't. Wade, I'm going to be fine. I'm protected in here. Just have my back, alright?"

"Hell yeah I will," he finally perked up a bit, "that's my favorite side."


Once Steve had Tony safely out of the building, the other Avengers began to file out, with Vision and Wanda bringing your three kids out with them so that Steve could keep his eyes on your dad. Tony was still trying to push his way past him to get back inside, and other Avengers had to join into the efforts just to keep him back. When Peter came out without Wade, Bucky hurried to his side and pulled him into the group with an urgency and almost panicked look at the young man.

"Where's Wilson?"

"Which one?"

"What do you mean?"

"The white one or the black one?"

Bucky took a small step back, aghast at the blatant description he was just given, "that seems a little...uncomfortable to say, doesn't it?"

"Hey, they started it, not me. Anyway, Wade's with (Y/N), and I haven't seen Sam."

Bucky took a quick scan of his eyes over the group again, sighing disappointedly when Sam wasn't there. "Dumbass had better not try anything," he muttered, turning to Steve. "Hey, have you seen Sam?"

"No, I've had my hands full with Stark. I'm sure he'll be out here in a minute..." he paused and turned to Tony, who was still complaining and trying to get past him to join you in the building. "Tony, I swear, I'll take you over my knee if you don't knock it off! Don't think that I won't!"

"Yeah, Grandpa, you might want to watch it," Grant added, "because we'll help just so we can see it happen."

"You wouldn't," Tony glared, though he was skeptical in his own confidence. In an effort to gain power on his own side, he turned to the one that he thought would always back him up, his namesake, and arguably his favorite since he had met them again with this broken brain, though he wouldn't openly admit it. "Anthony, you're with me, right?"

I Thought You Were Different: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now