Uncle Chalala

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"Welcome to my home once again, children," T'Challa greeted your trio readily, an extended hand out to Brooklyn as she stepped from the Stark jet doorway. She seemed hesitant, but when she realized that her actions could be misconstrued as disrespectful to the king, she took his offer with a smile. "Don't be intimidated by protocol, Brooklyn," he offered. "Your mother never took much consideration of it and she's always welcome here. In fact, she's helped me to make many changes in how we do things now, under my leadership. She has become my family, my dear, as have you."

"Yeah, B, don't you remember staying here when we were little?" Anthony chuckled, hopping down onto the ground behind her. "When Mom and Dad were split up?  The first time?" he snickered sarcastically.


"You were quite young," T'Challa offered, "so it's not a surprise that you might not recall that time." As he stood to watch the three gather their suitcases and waited for you, Steve and Bucky to emerge, a wide grin curled at his lips and into a boisterous laugh at a treasured memory. "You three used to call me Chalala because you couldn't yet pronounce my name properly. I loved that so."

"We did not!" Grant gasped, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Very much."

"Oh, that's so embarrassing."

T'Challa's smile only grew in seeing what was happening, and his playful side decided to wake, "do you recall setting Mr. Fluffagus ablaze in the middle of the night? Being woken to a downpour in my room certainly made for a long night. I've watched the security footage of that event several times over the years when I am in need of lifting my mood."

"Okay, I was wrong," Grant groaned, his face flushing red, "that's embarrassing. I'm just gonna..." he faded out, pointing towards the mansion and hurrying towards it before anyone could stop him. Before there was a chance for any other indiscretions to be brought forward, Brooklyn and Anthony fell in line behind him quickly and the three were out of sight.

As the kids made their way, Steve took your hand and helped you from the plane, releasing you to hurry to your friend for the hug that you had been waiting for over the long flight in. T'Challa never disappointed, readily wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you to him, spinning you around as he welcomed you with a laugh. "There's my beautiful one," he smiled widely, "I've missed you, my dear."

"I've missed you too," you replied just as eagerly, steadying yourself with a grip of his arms when he set you down carefully. Steve and Bucky moved behind you and stood quietly, each of them shaking T'Challa's hand in their own welcomes, but you kept your eyes on your friend until he returned his attention back to you. "Thank you for this. I wasn't sure what else to do, and I really don't have much for options. Dad's tried everything that he has to get this programming out of me, and Nick's no help because it turns out that the people who put this crap in here were on the wrong side of SHIELD at the time-"

"(Y/N), we will not stop until we find a way," he interrupted readily. "However, I do find it distressing that you would think that you had to ask, and that you have to thank me. There's no question here as to what I would do to help you. You should know that very well by now."

"Right," you sighed, mustering a small smile, "I do. Of course. I would do the same for you."

The two of you stood steady, looking at each other as if you were continuing to speak, but it was silent around you. Steve and Bucky watched, confused as to whether or not they were welcome to be witnessing your interaction and starting to feel a bit uncomfortable by it. When the two of you moved in for another hug, Steve finally broke the moment, clearing his throat suggestively to separate you.

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