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"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

You smiled at the soothing tone of Steve's voice and rolled over to face him, and despite being next to each other in the same bed again, it was still obvious that the two of you were maintaining a space between you. In the last few weeks, after finally reaching an understanding with Tony, you and Steve began the work on your relationship again with a renewed purpose to move forward; with the kids back at the compound after their own journey to learn how to cope, the two of you were now taking the time away and doing the same.

"You," you hummed softly in reply.

"I know that tone. You buttering me up for something, doll?" he grinned back. "Should I be worried?"

"Okay, with everything that's gone on, I can see how you'd jump to that, but no, nothing of worry at all. I was just thinking how it always comes back to just you and me. Things fall apart and we think there's never a way back, but here we are again."

"We're lucky."

"We're stubborn."

"Well, you are a Stark."

"Hey, watch it, Mr. I Could Do This All Day."

"Fine, you got me there," he relented with a long sigh, "but speaking of all day, what's on the agenda? We actually have the entire day to ourselves."

You quickly changed your tone with a wide smile, excited that the two of you had absolutely nothing official to do for the team, no therapy session for the day, and all that you had planned was fun and relaxation that you so desperately needed. It was such a rare occurrence to have happening that you almost didn't know what to do with yourself after being so out of practice. Tony had given you a few ideas from his own travels, so with his help, you had a fairly filled up day ahead. "First, a shower, and then breakfast. After that, Dad insisted that we visit Madame Tussaud's to see that damn Iron Man wax figure they did of him last year. I'd like to find Baker Street after that, then maybe head over to-"

"Babe, you're not going to see Beetlejuice Cumbersnatch or whatever that guy's name is."

"Oh my god, you did not just say that," you gasped, slapping your hand against his shoulder, aghast, "and I might, you don't know. Besides, you love that show too! You should be more excited."

"I'm pretty sure that our reasons for being excited are a little different," he smirked coyly. "Okay, so, shower, huh? Mind if I join you?"

You could feel your body react before your mind had a chance to think it through, almost recoiling back and away just enough to have not missed his attention. It was a strange reflex that you hadn't meant intentionally, but you couldn't seem to do anything to stop it either. "Really?"

"(Y/N), do you realize that we've had barely any physical contact at all since..." he paused, inhaling sharply, "since the funeral?"


"We haven't even so much a held hands."

"I know."


"I'm not sure," you answered quietly. He decided to test the situation and reached out to touch your hand but it almost immediately pulled away again, much to his clear disappointment. He looked completely hurt and it stung at you as a look that you never wanted to cause in him again. "I don't know why, Steve, honestly."

"You're scared."

"Of what?"

"Of this happening again, and I get it, I am too," he nodded, pushing himself up on an elbow as he spoke. "But, honey, it takes more than holding hands for that."

I Thought You Were Different: Part 4Where stories live. Discover now