Chapter Nine

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Percy had never felt more betrayed in his life. Not when he was placed in that blasted mental hospital, not when he wasn't allowed soda, and not when the sheep in Zootopia was the actual villain (he had formed a bond with her, but he supposed times were tough). Now, his boyfriend, he hoped he could call Nico that, was going to be released, and he was going to be all alone again. He was currently packing his things in his and Jason's room, soon to be only Jason's room.

"That's the last of it," Nico said to him.

Percy took this time to admire him. His body had filled out more throughout the weeks, his face wasn't hollow, and the dark shadows beneath his eyes had dissipated remarkably. A trace of a smile was hidden on his cherry-tasting lips, and his silky, midnight mane was pulled into back a small ponytail, keeping his long hair out of his mystifying, cocoa-colored eyes.

"I'm going to miss you, Nico," said Percy, distantly.

"I'm going to miss you too, Percy," Nico responded, pulling the taller boy in for a hug.

Percy never wanted to let go. He wanted to hold Nico's slim frame in his arms forever. He wanted to inhale the scent of him as he kissed his skin, muttering I love yous until the world ended. Even then, he wouldn't have noticed, since when he was with Nico, time seemingly stopped. But things weren't always what they seemed.

"When do you have to leave?" Percy whined.

"About an hour," Nico replied sadly.

Percy felt like crying. The only person he trusted, the only person who kept him afloat and stable was leaving. He wouldn't get to kiss him or hug him or hold his hands or tell him how pretty he is. He would just be an empty shell, all alone at Serenity Falls Psychiatric Hospital. All alone in general. The only people who were willing to talk to him without griping at him or yelling at him were Hazel and Frank, but even then, they were no Nico.

"I don't want you to go," Percy sobbed into Nico's shoulder, holding him around his back.

"I know, but I must," Nico told him, standing on his tiptoes to plant a kiss on Percy's cheek. "It was going to happen eventually, y'know."

Percy's grip tightened on the younger boy, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

"But you're all that I have to hold onto," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," Nico whispered back, leaning his forehead against Percy's collarbone.

- - - - -

An hour had never gone so quickly in Percy's life. He sat with Nico at the front desk as he waited for his parents to arrive to pick him up, holding onto his hand as Nico leaned his head against his shoulder. Percy turned his head and kissed Nico's hair, not caring that Hazel, Dr. Chiron, or Katie was watching them.

"How much longer?" Nico asked, sitting up slightly.

"Not long at all. Mr. di Angelo called and said he was on his way," Hazel responded. "Mr. Jackson, would you mind-"

"I'm sorry, Hazel, but no, I want to stay here with Nico until he leaves," Percy told her.

"Alright, sweetie," Hazel returned.

"And here he is, he just pulled up in the driveway," Katie said cheerily.

Percy stood up, albeit reluctantly, from the bench, offering Nico his hand. Nico took it in his and stood up.

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