Chapter Seven

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"Mmm," Nico hummed, pleased by the taste of the blue chocolate cookies Percy gave him. "These are really good."

"My mom made them," Percy told Nico proudly.

"Wow," Nico replied, his mouth full of the cookies. "These are amazing. They are the best cookies I've ever eaten."

"I know, right?" Percy said. "My mom always makes the best desserts. She makes good food, too."

"Why are they blue?" Nico asked.

"Well..." Percy rubbed the back of his head. "I don't really wanna talk about it."

"That's okay," Nico shrugged. "You don't have to tell me if it triggers you."

"I do wanna tell you, but..." Percy sighed. "I don't want to remember."

"That's fine, you don't have to tell me," Nico repeated.

"Okay," Percy told him. "Was that your parents?"

"Yeah," Nico said. "My dad and Persephone told me that they were going to visit me as soon as possible and check on my improvements."

"And how are your improvements?"

"They're fine," Nico replied. "I've been eating a lot more, and I have been sleeping better. I don't get all fidgety about Bianca, and I can actually mention her without crying, so I'm doing great. What about you?"

"They wanna keep me here forever," Percy pouted.

"I'm sure they don't, they just want you to improve," Nico said.

"I'm not improving," Percy glared at the floor, avoiding Nico's eyes. "Can't you see? Schizophrenic paranoia doesn't exactly go away, you know. I will have it for the rest of my life, and they think that I'm still crazier than the Mad Hatter. They'll never let me leave."

"So, what is your favorite movie?" Nico asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nico, stop trying to change the subject," Percy growled. "It's probably because you know I'll be in here forever, and you just want me to stop thinking about it."

"No, it's not that-"

"I thought you were my friend!" Percy raised his voice. "I thought you trusted me!"

"Percy, calm down-"

"No!" he shouted. "I won't calm down! Do you think I'm a joke? Are you laughing at me behind my back? 'Look, I'm Percy, and I'm a complete wacko! I am an irredeemable nutcase!' Well, it's not working! I actually liked you. I really liked you, and then you try and brainwash me!"

"Percy, you know that's not true," Nico said, attempting to calm him down.

"The doctors sent you to try and pick through my mind, didn't they?" Percy yelled. "To try and be my friend and then get them to try and solve me like a puzzle? But they can't, and they never will. I'm unsolvable. I'll never get better. Why don't you tell them that, huh?"

"Percy, stop."

"No, I won't," Percy refused. "I won't tolerate this! First, they take me from my home, now they get me to trust someone, and they turn out to be an informant? Not today, not ever!"

And, with that, Percy stormed down the hall, kicking chairs on the way to his room, leaving Nico alone in the hallway.

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