"It looks good on you plus that is my favorite shirt you have on, but I'm fine having someone as beautiful as yourself wearing it."

Nagisa grab a pillow from the couch. She throw a pillow at me and I caught it.

"Now now ~Nagisa. Do you really want to do that? You know you won't win."

She throw another one and it hits me. I walk over to her and she just smiled at me. Nagisa is planning something. She was hiding another pillow behind her back.

'I wonder if she plan on doing with that pillow.'

She brought the pillow to her side and dropped it. My eyes was on the pillow. She caught me off guard and the pouts on me. We both fell to the ground laughing. I landed on my back and Nagisa is laying on me, which I don't mind it. I wanted her to stay like that but she got off of me. Man I was starting to be comfortable. I looked to see where she was and she was going through the movies. She grab one.

"Can we watch this??"

"Sure Nagisa. Want me to get some popcorn?"

Her eyes light up.


"Okay. You put the movie in and I'll get the drinks and popcorn."

"Some like a plan."

Nagisa put in the movie and I went into the kitchen. I got a bag of popcorn. Damn I forgot to ask Nagisa what she wanted to drink. I put the popcorn in the microwave and put the time. Then walked in the living room.

"Hey Nagisa what do you want to drink?"

"Umm how about you surprise me?"

"Hmm okay. So juice?"

Nagisa nodded. I walk back and the microwave went off. I turned it off. Then grab two drinking glasses. When to the refrigerator to get out the juice, but then I realized that they was in boxes. So I just the glasses up and grab two boxes.

"Karma hurry up!"

"Okay okay."

I started heading back in the living room, but I stop by the microwave to grab the popcorn. I open the door and grab the popcorn. Hmm she really wants to see the movie. I thought and shut the door. I walked in the living room to see Nagisa sitting on the couch with covers.

"Man Karma your slow."

"Remember last time you called me slow."

"Please don't repeat."

"Umm not."

I hand her the popcorn and the juice box. She took them both. I sat down next to her. My arm around her. She snuggle up to me and she open the bag of popcorn.

"So we ready to watch the movie?"

"Yes. Play it?"

I grab the remote with my left hand since Nagisa was on my right side. I press play and set down the remote. What movie did Nagisa pick?

Why am I a Girl!! (Karmagisa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now