Chapter 5

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Perrie groaned as she sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from her eyes as she listened to the culprits of her sudden awake cause a stampede below her. She felt a hand gently caress the small of her back, turning to find Jade propped up against the pillows, book in hand as she used the other to quickly push her thick rimmed, black glasses up to the bridge of her nose again. She smiled sweetly to Perrie, relaxed in her own fictional world.

"Good morning, Princess."

Perrie became flushed as she hummed and leant over to capture plump lips with her own.

"Morning, Baba... What're our elephants up to down there?" Perrie inquired, her voice husky.

Jade giggled. Perrie watched as her love's hair shook from side to side before settling again.

"From what I've made out – Leigh had an 'exotic' dream last night and Jess has taken to never allowing her to live it down... It's actually sounding quite hilarious..."

Perrie watched her beauty, enthralled by the sensuality dripping from her body, radiating her and igniting a spark, deep inside. She smiled softly and let a light chuckle free from the rein of her vocal cords.

"And you decided to stay in bed, even with the enjoyment of torturing our best friend awaiting downstairs?"

Jade smirked, leaning to the bedside table and slowly placing her bookmark within her novel, placing it on the bedside furniture, her glasses following suit. She removed her body from the bed, walking around it in simply an oversized shirt of Perrie's and her undies. She held her hands out and pulled Perrie from the bed, wrapping her arms round her waist, kissing her sweetly.

"Now, Pez... Why would I go piss off our best friend when my future wife is flat out asleep still, right next to me? It wouldn't be fun without you."

Perrie smirked cockily, nipping at Jade's neck without leaving marks, hearing the luxurious giggle escape from her brunette's throat.

"Can you get any cuter, Jadey? I mean, future wife huh?"

Jade pouted and nodded excessively. Perrie chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"One day, I promise... I wouldn't want anyone else to marry me. Now let's shower quick so we can go tease Leigh."


Leigh stomped into the kitchen as Perrie and Jade entered, wanting support over her 'dream'. Jesy followed like a giggling school girl only to receive a warning from Perrie. The eldest friend stopped dead and looked sheepishly at the women.


"You both not only woke Jade at 7am but me too a little later from all the stomping round."

Jesy shuddered, knowing they really must've been loud to rouse Perrie from her slumber.

Leigh groaned and cuddled against Jade, her mood deflating even more.

"Leigh, come here babes... I'm sorry..."

Jesy held her arms open and Leigh smoothly transitioned from one best friend to the other.

Jade chuckled and kissed Perrie's cheek. Perrie turned to her and gave her a confused glance.

"What was that for?"

"Just admiring my future wife, again... This time I'm admiring how mother-like you came across... I can't wait to have babies with you..."

Jade smiled softly, the resonance of her small statement causing Perrie to well up, a watery smile playing upon her lips as she used them to delicately capture Jade's. Leigh and Jesy simply scrunched their noses, giving each other a knowing look, the remains of their scolding becoming non-existent as they relished in the moment. After a few minutes, Jesy cleared her throat.

"So, ladies... We only have a week left... What are we going to do today?"

Perrie bit her lip then piped up, an idea present.

"Beach day? Classic BBQ, just us, we could sit round and reminisce... Watch tour videos and stuff?"

Three heads nodded in agreement, a trip out to the store being the first instalment.


"I don't think I can do this, Jade... How the fuck can I go back home, when you'll be here?!" I just, I can't... I'm staying..."

Jade sighed, stroking blonde hair as she tried to comfort her soulmate.

"Baby... It's going to be hard but you must get on that plane tonight... It's not going to be for long, I promise... But your Visa is only valid until tomorrow morning... You can't stay here, you know that..."

Perrie nodded, her tears falling. Jade only just found the strength within her to not let her emotions shine through, knowing Perrie needed to be held for now. Jesy and Leigh popped their heads round the door and looked over to Jade, receiving a nod. They entered and led either side of the couple, wrapping their arms round them.

"Perrie, darling... Jadey will sort something... You won't be apart for long..." Jesy soothed, knowing Jade certainly had a plan up her sleeve, she always did.

Leigh sighed and hugged into the back of Jade, her hand holding Perrie's lightly.

"As much as I'm ready for home, this just depresses me..." Leigh confessed, tearing up.

"Leigh-Leigh... Please don't cry..."

The three women looked gently at Perrie as she rose from between them to get a better look at Leigh, smiling softly at her. Perrie sighed and looked at her best friends and lover, knowing she was in for a rough day with them.

The afternoon was spent eating food and packing the car up before Jade finally broke the devastating words to the others. It was time to leave for the airport. The car ride consisted of a Capella versions of 'Black Magic' and 'The Beginning', followed by the silence of unpacking the car and walking into the airport. An hour flew by and the four women cried together as Jade bid farewell for now, kissing Perrie, her life support.

She cried the entire drive home and for the next four hours until she sat bolt upright in bed, pulling her laptop onto the bed.

One email sent. One phone call made. Two cases packed.


EEEEEEEEEK. Sorry, I know it's short! I like to think of this chapter as concise though! I think we all know what's coming up but just a little cliff hanger...

Just again wanted to thank you all for your support, I LOVE hearing from you all, it encourages me to keep going! :)

Love you all - Sophie <3

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