Chapter 3

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Jade slipped into the house at 2.30am, hoping nobody would be awake. The house was dark, the doors to the back still open. She padded along quietly, leaning on the door frame as she noticed a figure on the steps to the sand, head in hands, blonde hair sprawled everywhere. She felt her breath hitch at the realisation of Perrie and slipped behind her on the next step up, her hands gliding carefully down Perrie's arms and wrapping both sets of arms warmly round the women. Perrie's head fell back into her, soon to be peppered with small kisses on the skin to the side of her left brow.

"I'm sorry I ran, baba..."

"What did I do, Jade? Why'd you go? I've been waiting for you all day... I've been waiting for the phone to ring, to tell me you'd been in an accident or something..."

"No baby... You didn't do anything – promise..."

"Jade, talk to me..."

Jade sighed a shaky breath, gripping Perrie tighter to her.

"I was a mother, Perrie... Only for a day..."

Perrie moved from Jade's arms, looking up at her as the shock took over.

"What?! But you never told – wait... The massive baggy jumpers... The no drinking... I just thought you had put a little weight on and that you were trying to be healthier... Oh Jade..."

Perrie stood. She took Jade's hands and pulled her up so she could hold her, stroking her face lovingly.

"Tell me what happened..."

Jade nodded, leading them down to the beach, letting the waves lap over their bare feet as she spilled her biggest secret.

"Remember that random guy I thought was following me...?"

"Yeah, too well... I thought it was resolved?"

"Perrie... He um... Hurt me one night... He got me pregnant and I was so ashamed... So I ran away from the UK... I moved here... That way he would never find us..."

"But Jadey, what happened?"

"I lost her... My little girl... Just after you went home... I went into early labour... I was only 23 weeks gone... She had no chance and hospitals can't intervene until 24 weeks... I had to give birth to her... She needed help to breathe when she was born and they tried to help her but she wasn't strong enough... I wish I'd told you... I wish she had the chance to know you... Even for a day... Perrie... Her little body was so small... She wasn't much bigger than my hands... So, petite and tiny... I just... It was my fault..."

"Jade, no. It's not your fault. Your little girl, if she fought for at least one day, she had fight in her and she had her Mama's strength in her... Babies struggle when they're born 6 weeks early let alone 17 weeks early, baba... It was never your fault..."

Perrie pulled the petite woman flush against her, her hands roaming her body as she showed her she was there, her grip strong. She felt her tears fall but ignored them, worried more about Jade. She peppered kisses on her cheek and shoulder before leaning their foreheads together.

"What was her name, Jadey?"

"Amelie... Amelie Louise Thirlwall..."


"I wanted her to have part on you within her... I knew then she'd be stronger..."

"Jade... I just... Oh baba... You didn't tell anybody at all?"

"Me Mam knew... She wanted to fly out but I told her no... I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I wasn't ashamed of Amelie... I was ashamed of what'd happened..."

Perrie sighed and kissed her cheek softly, keeping her hold on her.

"I guess opening my mouth about kids this morning set you off... I'm so sorry darling..."

"You couldn't help it, Pez..."

"Why don't we go to bed, hmm? We can cuddle all you want."

"That sounds good..."


It'd been a week since Jade's revelation to Perrie. Leigh and Jesy had watched on as they realised something had brought them closer, but did not push them to find out what it was. They'd been doing fun things nearly every day and had decided now they'd crammed in activities, they could relax and not plan for the rest of the 4 weeks. They had piled into the car to go shopping and buy food for another barbeque plus wine. Walking through the store, Perrie pulled Jade to her, holding her hand and kissing her cheek. Jesy and Leigh tagged behind them and looked on suspiciously.

"Leigh, what do we do this time? There must be something?"

"We could go all childish and do Truth or Dare... OR we could just get them plastered. They won't keep their hands off each other."

"Okay... Commence 'Get Jerrie Drunk'."

As the barbeque was lit by Jade, Jesy got the sauvignon blanc flowing, knowing she'd have to keep topping up Jade and Perrie's as much as possible.

The evening commenced well, with the women joking around and having a laugh, music playing softly in the background. The topic of children made its way into topic and Jade got up, smiling brightly.

"Back in a minute..."

Perrie frowned, wanting to know if she was okay. She excused herself and followed Jade up to the bedroom, making her stop as she closed the door.

"Baba... You alright?"

"Fine... Promise, just need to pee..."

"Baby there's a toilet downstairs..."

"Okay I was avoiding the conversation..."

"All you had to do was sit with me... I would've held you..."

Jade looked at her cheekily and smiled wide.

"You can still hold me..."

Perrie pulled her to the bed and Jade climbed on, straddling her as the blue-eyed woman pulled her face gently down to hers.

"Jadey... Do you trust me?"

Jade traced Perrie's facial features delicately as she looked her in the eye.

"With all my life..."

Perrie craned her neck and captured their lips slowly, tugging at Jade's bottom lip as she let her hands find the older woman's hips, creating less space between them as she pulled her further into her. Jade pulled away and smirked as she moved her lips to trace over Perrie's jawbone, hearing the whimper escape the plush lips that were now inches from her own ear.

"Baby... We need to go back down to the other two..." Jade whispered but made no attempts to move from Perrie.

Perrie stood, carrying Jade with her and let her slide down once she was resting against the wall. She pecked her lips several times, both giggling.

"Don't say a word... Let's wind them up, see how long it takes..."

Jade rolled her eyes but chuckled, smacking the blonde's behind as they left the room to enjoy the night with their other best friends.


Eeek! Just a small chapter today! Perrie now understands why Jade moved to Manly!

Please comment - love hearing from you all!!

I'm also wanting to start up some one-shots with requests open too! Leave some requests for Jerrie one-shots in the comments for me and I'll get started :) Nothing angsty or sad though - I like happy vibes hehe! <3

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