Chapter 22

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I run until my feet begin hitting hard pavement. I quickly stop and begin taking in my surroundings. I see a long narrow road running through a bunch of tree, farther down the road I see a small city. I feel the excitement rise throughout me as I begin running, or limping my way to it. I felt a giant smile on my face as I seen the city getting closer to me.

My excitement dies when I hear a loud bang that seemed to echo around me. I look behind me and see the devil himself standing there with a gum aimed at me. I look down and see a dark red stain leaking threw my clothing. He shot me. I grab my stomach and try to stumble closer to town. My knees begin shaking and my legs give up causing me to fall onto the cement. I feel the rocks and cement tear into my skin making it burn. I look down at my stomach and try to ignore the pain to I can crawl away.

The footsteps begin getting close, they stop when he's standing in front of me.

"If you weren't so damn stubborn we wouldn't have gone out this way." I cry out tears streaming freely and I try to beg him to bring me to a hospital. He ignores my begging and brings the barrel between my eyes, "It's okay now. You're okay now. I'm going to make everything better, trust me." I try with all my efforts to get away from him but I can't even move an inch without bleeding out even more.
"I'll go out right behind you. So we can be together, forever." He gives me a malicious smile and he grabs the gun tighter. He says love you once more before his finger presses down on the trigger. The noise of the gun going off shakes my body.

I feel my body jolt up a small scream escaping my lips. I can feel my body is sticky from sweating. I watch my brother rush in beads of sweat lining her forehead, he quickly checks the room for any intruders.

"What happened, sis?" I continue breathing heavily until my breath goes back to its normal pace. I wipe my forehead to rid the sweat.

My voice comes out soft and barely audible, "Nothing, I just had a bad dream."

Twist ending, lol. I know the ending sucks but like I've been dealing with exams and shit and lost some interest in this book at the moment. So maybe when I have the time and interest again I'll come up with a better ending??

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