--Chapter Thirty-Eight--

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Zane's POV:

This is awkward. On many levels. But it has to be done.

I pick up the bread and hold it out to her awkwardly.

Kaira adamantly shakes her head, "There's no way."

"Please?" That came out really pathetic. Like really pathetic. I immediately wish I could recall that word, but of course, I can't.


"Well, you have to eat, and I can't unchain you." I put the bread back on the tray, waiting for her response.

"Why not?" She tries to act innocent. Not fooling me at all.

"Oh?" I start to get sarcastic, "Of course, we can just unchain you so that you can try to strangle me and prance out of here with no resistance at all!"

She glares at me angrily, "Or you can just trust me to eat my food!"

"That's not happening. Ever."

"Oh, come on!" She exclaims, "I promise I'll only eat my food! Is that what you want? A promise from me?"

"I don't really expect you to keep your promise if you see an opportunity to escape." I state it in a matter-of-fact tone. I'm not an idiot. Promises can be broken easily. They really mean nothing to me.

"Smart," she mutters under her breath. I'm guessing she didn't mean for me to hear that, though.

"I don't want to have to force feed you." Drastic situations call for drastic measures. Still would prefer to avoid force-feeding her though.

Kaira purses her lips tightly and raises her eyebrows in a challenge. Are. You. Kidding. Me. Right. Now. I am not going to go shoving food in her face. That would be even more embarrassing than the present situation. But I may have to do it.

Lifting the bread, I move it to her mouth, "I'll try to be gentle..."

As the bread gets closer to her, she opens her mouth. Good. Now I won't have to force her to eat.

And then she bites down on my hand.

I yell in pain and drop the bread, yanking my hand back, "What in the world?!" I exclaim, rubbing the area that is now throbbing.

So much for her eating peacefully.

XD I forgot about this part. Oh Kaira... ;)

Zane's POV: Evara

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