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Things were bad.

Michael hasn't seen or heard from Luke in a week, and he's in the same house as him? Also the fact that they are moving to America in a few days and he hasn't heard anything about Luke scares him.

Macy has the ability to walk through the house cause Karen and David don't think she would try to leave. She was playing with her toys and she happened to go upstairs in the attic.

"Macy?" She looked over and there Luke was slumped in the corner. He looked like hell.

Dark dark circles under his eyes and dried up blood covering his arm.

"Luke?" He nodded

"Macy do you know where the cell phones are?" He asked. He was in much worse shape then before. Both of his feet were chained to the corner of the room.

"Yeah!" She said and he smiled

"Can you find mine? The phone case is green." She nodded and rushed down the steps and went into the kitchen.

Karen and David were out of the house at the moment. So she dug through the drawer and found the phone and immediately ran up the stairs and back up to the attic. His heart was beating fast when she saw he had the phone.

"Thank you so much." He winced out as he tried sitting up. Right after Dave carved his arm he used him as a personal punching bag.

He turned on his phone and saw he had over hundreds of text and calls from his parents and brothers and friends. He was about to call his mom when he saw that his phone was on 10 percent.


He immediately dialed the emergency number.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"My name is Luke Hemmings. Me and my boyfriend were kidnapped almost two weeks ago." Luke said into the phone.

"Do you know exactly where you are Mr. Hemmings?"

"No. Please track this and send help immediately. They plan on killing me." Luke said into the phone on the verge of tears.

"We're gonna do that. Have they hurt you already?"

"Yes. My boyfriend he's in another room and they were trying to hurt him. I jumped in to save him and they ended up hurting both of us." Luke explained and he froze when he heard a door slam downstairs.

"Okay we---"

"They're coming. I can't talk anymore. Please hurry." Luke begged before hanging up but however it was too late cause Dave walked upstairs and saw Luke holding the cell phone.

"You little shit!" Dave snapped and Luke started panicking. He threw his phone away from him a bit.

"Karen! Jay! Get up here!" Dave yelled as he went over and unlocked the chain from Luke. He grabbed Luke and dragged him over to the stairs.

"And I'm guessing Macy was the one who gave you the phone?!" Dave spat at Luke but he shook his head quickly.

"You're done!" Dave yelled and dragged Luke down the stairs. Luke's heart was actually beating out of his chest. He couldn't believe this is it.

Michael was laying in his bed with his foot attached to the frame by a chain. He heard yelling but was trying not to think of it.

Michaels door opened and Macy came running in.

"Mikey! I got Luke in trouble." Macy cried out with tears streaming down her face. Michaels eyes widened.

"What? How?" Michael asked his voice full of panic.

"I gave Luke his phone." She said still crying and she hugged Michael. So that's why there is all the yelling.

One of the guards walked in the room and unlocked the chain from Michaels ankle.

"You're coming with me."

"Wait Mikey--" Macy said

"You shut up!" And then the guard pushed Macy to the ground. Something flicked in Michaels eyes and in seconds he was up and attacking the man.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again!" Michael spat while throwing continuous punches. He literally blacked out. It was left and right with the punches.

The man was completely knocked out when Michael was done. He grabbed the handcuffs from the mans belt and handcuffed him to the bed frame and made sure to take the key with him.

"We're getting out of here." He said and kneeled down so Michael could give her a piggy back ride.

"Hold on tight." He said and then ran out of the rooms. He had no idea where to go and what to do. So he ran down the hall and towards the attic but stopped when hearing a bunch of talking.

"He must have called for help so does it even matter if we make it look like a suicide anymore?"

"We just need to get rid of him." Michael followed those voices into a bedroom. But he didn't go in there. He peeked in and saw Dave and some guard talking.

But behind them, Michael saw Luke sitting on a chair. Well more like tied to a chair. He looked so beaten down and broken. He had bruises all over his body. His face had scratches and bruises. Huge bags were under his eyes and his hair was extremely messy.

Luke looked defeated.

"Michael." He turned around and there stood his mother.

"You guys can't do this to him, mom." Michael said in such a broken tone. Suddenly she pulled out a pistol.

"It has to be done." He shook his head and set Macy down.

"Run! Go and get help!" He said and she ran and just when his mom was about to step in and say something he tried grabbing the gun from her, she just pointed it at him.

"Mom you can't do this. You can't kill him."

"It has to be done." Michael shook his head and rushed into the room and right towards. Luke looked up and saw Michael and he had hope.

"Come here to watch?" David snickered.

"You guys can't do this!" Michael yelled while standing over top of Luke in a protective way. David just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Get it over with Karen." David said and Karen pointed the gun at Michael.

"Move Michael!"

"No! You have to go through me first!"

"Michael! Please! Move! I don't wanna shoot you."

"Dammit! No! Put the gun away!" Michael yelled and Luke was getting nervous. He had a really bad feeling. He didn't think this was gonna turn out good at all.

"Michael move now!" Michael shook his head at his mother. David got annoyed and grabbed the gun from Karen.

"Have to do everything around here."

And he pulled the trigger

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