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Michael was lost for words. Not only was his mother taken away from him, but his sister was. His whole world was taken. He got tackled down by a police officer and was forced to go to Australia and had to sit with an officer cause he was acting irrationally.

When he got to Australia he was thrown into a car. A man with short brown hair with a suit on sat in the drivers seat while he sat in the back. He clutched onto his backpack in fear that someone would take it.

"Hello Michael, I'm Jared." Michael stayed silent and continued staring on the window with a blank expression.

"I was told that you traveled all the way from America. I don't understand why they didn't keep you in a home over there." Yeah me neither..

"So I'll be taking you to a house that's not too far from here. They are a very nice family and heard your story and are gonna have you stay for a few months and then they'll decide if they wanna adopt you" Michael frowned and felt tears brim his eyes.. That's even if he wants to live anymore.

He wants his sister. He doesn't care about finding another family, He. Wants. His. Sister.

They car pulled into a long driveway that lead to a white home. A very large white home. Michaels house was like a million times smaller.

Jared parked the car and both of them got out and slowly walked up to the house. Michael felt every nerve in his body bouncing around as he got closer to the door. He actually felt like he was gonna throw up.

Knocking on the door it only took a few minutes before a women with blonde hair opened the door and smiled.

"Hello Jared! and hello Michael! Please come in!" Michael kept his eyes on the ground but followed Jared into the house. He didn't want to look up at all. He didn't want to even be breathing at all. He wanted nothing.

"BOYS GET DOWN HERE." The women screamed and Michael flinched and Jared noticed and frowned at the boy. But it only took seconds before three blonde haired boys came running down the steps

"This is Ben, Jack, and Luke. I'm Liz and my husband is Andrew! He's working right now but will be home in a few hours. Guys this is Michael." Michael glanced up at them to mentally remember their names and faces. Ben and Jack said hello but Luke kinda just glared.

Which Michael looked down cause he didn't want any sort of hate and he can already tell that's what he's gonna get from Luke.

"Luke since you decided to be quiet why don't you show Michael to his room?" Liz said in almost a sassy tone.

"I don't want to help him. Look at him. He's weird." Michael felt his heart drop and felt tears form in his eyes.

"Either help him or be grounded." Liz snapped and Luke groaned.

"Come on emo." Luke mumbled and walked up the steps. Michael however didn't move cause emo is not his name. Yes he was very quiet and scared of very many things but he's not gonna let this dude he just met call him emo and treat him like shit.

When Luke saw he wasn't moving he stopped and glared.

"Hey emo are you coming?" Everyone looked at Michael who was still staring at the floor.

"His name is Michael you douche wagon." Jack said and Luke rolled his eyes. Wow what is his deal?

"Okay come on Michael." He spat his name so hatefully be Michael slowly started following him up the stairs. They walked down a super long hallway.

Luke opened the last door at the end of the hall and opened it to reveal a room. There was a queen size bed, a flat screen tv, and a dresser in the corner of the room. There was also a room to a bathroom and a closet. Basically this was Michaels like dream room.

"So there's a bathroom over there and my room is right across the hall. Don't go in my room ever." Michael completely ignored Luke cause he was too busy looking at the room. When Luke saw he wasn't paying attention he scoffed.

"Yeah I'm not helping you with school. Make some friends or something." And Luke left not before slamming the door.

Michael didn't care though, well he tried to not care. Luke has no idea who he is and he's being mean.

Michael placed a photo of him and Macy on the nightstand by his bed and he laid down on the extremely comfy bed and stared at the picture hoping this was all just a dream.

A horrible nightmare that he will wake up from any moment.

But it's not looking like that at all...

He doesn't wanna live this nightmare

So I'm rewriting the story but not changing anything. Just some major improvements.

Broken Home ; mukeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ