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Michael stared up in amazement as the bus passed the city of sydney. The bright lights and the many people who walked the streets. He smiled as people who walked the streets were laughing and someone were holding hands.

"Last bus stop!" Michael immediately rushed out of the bus and looked around. He needed to find a job immediately. The plane ticket was for a flight that took off in exactly one month. He had one month to live on his own.

First he saw a restaurant that looked pretty empty. He took it as the empty places probably needed more employees.

"Are you guys hiring?" an older lady looked up and shook her head. He sighed and left and continued walking down the street.

"You looking for a job kid?" He looked over and saw a boy with black hair and golden brown eyes. He was smoking a cigarette and he looked exactly like Zayn Malik.

"Uh yeah." Michael said shyly. He laughed and walked up to Michael.

"We are looking for someone for here." The boy said and Michael looked up and made a look of disgust.

"I am not gonna be a stripper." Michael said sternly. He was about to walk away until he was pulled back.

"We need a bartender." Michael didn't know what to say but he sighed and nodded.

"Okay." he needed money.


(2 weeks later)

"Mike get me something strong." Michael stared at the drinks with a confused expression.

"Uh I don't--"

"Michael." Zayn sighed and Michael frowned. He hated alcohol. What was he suppose to do? He wanted to give up. He has made enough money. He could probably leave this job now and find his way to London.

"I can't do this." Michael mumbled feeling defeated. Zayn looked behind him and saw two people walk in.

"Here try with these customers." Zayn said and nodded towards them. When Michael turned his heart dropped when seeing Luke and Calum.

From seeing them he dropped and hid behind the bar. Oh my god.

They are here.

Zayn looked at Michael confused

"Uh Mich--"

Michael waved his arms around and shushed him. Zayn just sighed and walked away.

"Why am I here Calum?" Luke groaned in annoyance. Michael couldn't believe Luke was right here.

"You've been laying in bed heartbroken over him for 2 weeks, you need to get out and find someone." Calum explained and Luke frowned. He wanted to see Michael so bad. But Michael left. He left Luke when Luke needed him most.

"I don't need anyone. I wanna go home." Michael found a hat laying on the floor and threw it over his head and hid all of his hair under his hat. He had most of his face covered so he stood up causing both boys to look at him.

"Hey man can we get some captain Morgan?" Michael quickly turned and reached for the large glass and filled some glasses.

"Cal? You okay?" Luke asked and Michael saw Calum was staring at him and he immediately got the feeling that Calum knew.

So Michael ran off and he heard Calum chase after him and it really sucked when Calum caught him and threw him in the bathroom. Calum couldn't believe it.. he couldn't believe that it was him. He actually couldn't believe it.

"Are you fucking serious Michael?" Calum snapped and pushed him hard against the bathroom wall.

"C-Calum please l-let me expla--"

"Explain what? That you just threw my best friend away? That he woke up in the hospital in pain and just to find out that his boyfriend left him!" Michael knew what he did was wrong but he thought he was doing the right thing. He wasn't trying to hurt Luke.

"Liz was gonna get rid of me!" Michael exclaimed and Calums face slightly softened. Liz had flyers up everywhere. She had contacted the police as soon as she came back into the room to find Michael wasn't there.

"What do you mean, Michael? She is worried about you!" Calum said and Michael sighed. He knew if he would come back she would ship him off somewhere else. Or his stupid "father" would try to get custody over him.

"She said I cause nothing but problems." Michael said. Someone knocked loudly on the door.

"Cal? You in there?" Michaels and Calums eyes widened and suddenly Calum is pushing Michael into a stall with him. Luckily it was the handicap stall so Michael had some distance away from Calum. He knew Calum would never hurt him but still.

The door to the bathroom opened and Luke walked in and it cause Michaels heart to drop. He knew he couldn't see the perfect blonde haired boy. But knowing that he was so close to him... knowing he was so close to the person he loved more than anything.

"I'll be out soon Luke!" Calum said and glared at Michael who looked like he was close to tears.

"Okay man. I just thought you left and I got a little nervous." Luke mumbled and it broke Michaels heart. He felt his heart literally break. It broke Calums too which is why he glared over at Michael.

"I would never leave you Luke. I don't know how anyone could. Especially someone who claimed they loved you." Calum spat hatefully. Michael just looked down. He wish everyone would understand why he did what he did.

"I guess I just wasn't good enough." And then Luke left the bathroom.

"See what you've done Michael? Hope you're happy." Calum mumbled before leaving the bathroom.

He wasn't happy...

At all..

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