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"Michael please calm down." Luke said trying to reach for the boy who was in complete panic. Right after it was announced that Macy was with Michael's mother, he went crazy. They left the place and Michael didn't even care about calling an Uber or anything.

It was so bad that he almost forgot his bag with his clothes. He was so upset and Luke followed behind, now carrying two bags.

"I cannot fucking believe this! She took Macy?! They allowed that?" Michael screamed. Even though he was extremely angry, he felt the urge to start crying. She took Macy back but not him.

She's not even able to be a mom? So much has probably already happened to Macy and that tore Michaels heart apart. Apparently his mom just got her back a week ago.

"I know Mike, but you can't do this to yourself. We will work on finding her." Michael scoffed at Lukes words. How can he be so calm? His sister was taken!

"How are we gonna find her? My mom lives in America." Michael said and angrily kicked a waste bin. Luke sighed and just continued following Michael down the road.

"Mike where are we going?" Luke asked almost annoyance. He was trying to keep his cool but its hard to when Michael doesn't keep his cool.

"I don't know." Michael mumbled out and then he just plopped down on the ground. Luke didn't say anything else. He knew nothing would help. It wouldn't change anything.

"I have to find her. I have to find her as soon as possible." Michael said and Luke nodded.

"And we both will. But for now let's go sleep. I got us a hotel in the city." And both boys did.


"Luke?" His moms voice said through his iPhone.

"Yeah it's me mom. Look I might be staying in London a little longer." He had to help Michael find Macy. But explaining this to his mom.. wouldn't be good. She didn't even know he was with him.

"What? Why?"

"Because I have a friend who needs help. I'll keep in touch with you everyday." She sighed loudly on the other side.

"Please be careful Luke. I don't need something to happen to you." She said and he nodded

"Nothing will happen. I love you."

"I love you too." And then he hung up. He looked over and saw Michael looking out the window.

"Babe?" Michael grunted in return.

"Are you okay?" Michael turned and sadly sighed.

"Yeah I'm just so worried. I'm so worried I could cry." Michael mumbled. Luke didn't even know how to help. He knew that the only thing that would make Michael happy... is Macy.

"I promise you we are gonna find her. If we have to go over to America then we will." Michael looked up with wide eyes.

"really?" He nodded and smiled.

"I don't want you to be sad." Luke whispered while softly kissing Michaels cheek. Michael smiled and peck Luke on the lips.

However that peck on the lips turned into a full make out session. One minute they were by the window and now they were working their way over to the bed. Luke laid Michael down on the bed and started kissing his neck.

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