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" 2 carbonaras, a hawaiian deluxe pizza, a pepperoni pizza...., " , Jin said on the counter.

While the youngers were already seated on their seats.

" I'll just go to the restroom. " , Taehyung excused himself, leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone.

Jungkook was unexpectedly shy after cursing out loud inside Jin's car.

He would steal glances on Jimin and there was that time when Jimin caught him, he immediately looked elsewhere while rubbing his nape, which Jimin found cute.

They were both quiet, an imaginary tumbleweed just flew in between them.

Jimin sighed and opened his phone, wanting to chat with ' jeonshook' .

_excujjimin - hey

Jimin typed and send it to ' jeonshook ' .

* bzzt *

He looked at Jungkook, who suddenly went pale.

The time he sent the message to ' jeonshook ' , Jungkook's phone vibrated.

Jungkook immediately grabbed his phone and stood up.

" Ah-I......I'll just reply to t-this. " , he said the left, leaving Jimin confusely looking at him.

" What... " , he whispered and typed on his phone again.

_excujjimin - im bored talk to me

He pressed sent and Taehyung went back to their seat.

" Where's Jungkook? " , he asked once he sat down.

Jimin just shrugged and typed on his ohone again.

_excujjimin - ey

_excujjimin - heya

_excujjimin - jeo|

Jimin stopped typing and faced Taehyung, who was peeking on Jimin's phone.

" 'jeonshook' ? Isn't that Jung- " , before he even finish his sentemce someone smacked his head with a spoon.

" Shut up. Food's here. " , Jin said and shooed Taehyung out of his seat then sat there.

" Jung- what? " , Jimin asked.

He badly wants to know this hater of his was.

Taehyung smiled sheepishly, feeling Jin's glare burning his side.

" A-ah, I said Jung....uhm....OH! Jungkook's here! Lets eat! " , he said then started eating already.

* beep *

jeonshook_ - dont talk to me

jeonshook_ is now offline

Jimin read the message as Jungkook sat across him.

He noticed him fidgeting slightly while grabbing a knife and a fork.

" Yah! Stop fidgeting like there's a dildo up your ass! It'll be obvious! " , he heard Taehyung whispered to Jungkook.

Hearing it, Jin choked on his drink and smacked Taehyung on top of his head using his spoon.

" Manners, kid. " , he scolded.

* * *

After the dinner, Jin sent them home one by one.

First off, Taehyung then Jungkook.

" Hyung, I'll drop by Jungkook's place. " , Jimin said as Jungkook was about to go out.

" W-what? " , Jungkook stuttered.

Jin nodded and left once the two went out.

Tumbleweed coming across again.


Jungkook was only looking at Jimin, who was typing on his phone again.

Jimin might be quiet the whole time, but finally he now know.

After hearing those words from his friend, he finally knew though he's reluctant to ask Jungkook.


_excujjimin - found ya

He sent the same time he heard Jungkook's phone beeped.

hater.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ