C14 - Chances on guys

Start from the beginning

"I couldn't help it. He was upset... it was the perfect way to make him stop... you know... it just felt right." I told them the best way I could but they were looking at each other like 'What!?' Well hello! I need to get my friends tool for understanding sentences.

"Meaning you liked the kiss, right?" Nina giggled.

"No. Yes. Maybe?" I said. Alright, I need a tool to understand myself as well.

"It's complicated. All I know is that if I have sex with Ross, it'll ruin the promise. I really don't want a guy in my life, right now. I don't need a guy."

They both rolled their eyes. "Again with this promise? What was the deal again?" Nina asked narrowly looking at me like I had a problem (Which surely, I didn't.) If I let myself believe that miracles could really happen, I'd had been already had sex with Ross.

"Do I have to say it? It's pretty long." I complained.

After Yapping About the Promise

"Like I said," Allie exaggerated the sentence. "Your mom doesn't control your life." I told them what she wanted my future to be like and if I ended up having sex with Ross it would be bad tracks all over again. For god's sake, I was at a party while she died.

Washing My Face

I wasn't going to let my Allie and Nina influence me to do it. It wasn't gonna happen. Everyone had left the locker rooms because they had class early, and for me, Fifth period started 17 minutes later. I had time to take another round in the shower because these pits we're still smelling like horse chow.

"Well hi, sexy." Ross was in the mirror behind me and I swear I almost screamed before he covered my mouth. "Shhhh!"

I pulled his hand off my mouth. "Are you crazy!? There's a reason why it says girls locker room- unless you can't read!! Shoo!" I gave a faint stare, even though I was really freaked out. Ross once again just smiled right into my face looking at my white towel that was around my chest to thankfully covering up everything else under.

He quickly reached at the back off the towel stripping it off; as I blew a hard breathe. "Let me take this off for you." I was incorporating, fighting back as he finally took me by the legs and lifted them around his waist. "Put me down Ross! Put me down!" He didn't listen as he dragged me into the same locker room stale, Allie, Nina, and I we're in.

"Trust me," He turned on the shower, still holding my legs with only one of his arms. Wow... I banged his shoulders with my weak girl hits. "Ross if you don't put me down I'm gonna-"

He shut me up pressing his lips hard against mine. As if he was trying to swallow me whole. The hot water started to pour down on us, and I knew what I had to do.

Telling Ross to Get Naked

"Take your shirt off..." I bluntly said.

He couldn't believe what I had said- I know why, but it wasn't going to happen Mr. Show up and carry a girl to the shower. As soon as he let go of his tight grasp on my legs, I ran out the stale and quickly grabbed my clothes, hiding somewhere, where I could change without a boy popping up behind me. God, I feel violated.

Fifth Period

The bell had rung, right after I solved a few formulas for the class on the board. Ross could pick up a thing or two besides sex, from me if I was his tutor. Bad idea; More time with Ross is all just bad. "Sweet, Mia!" Mr. Dewin says my nickname once again. I smiled at him, even though I absolutely hate his name for me. Mia just sounds like a two year old's name or some pushover (no offence's Mia's in real life) but I'm fine with Maia.

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