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"What did Calum say when you called?" Luke said from the hospital bed, eating a French fry. I decided to stop and get us some lunch since he hasn't eaten anything but the hospital food.

"He got upset because we slept together," I said, "and he's dating Iris now."

"Really? He never told us?" Luke frowned.

"Guess not, but he'll be better soon." I said, taking a bite of a chicken nugget.

"Let's hope so." We sat there in silence for a couple minutes. That's one of the things I like about hanging out with Luke, we always had these silences. But they weren't weird or uncomfortable, they were actually kind of nice.

"Alright, Luke, you're free to leave." A doctor walked in, slightly smiling.

"Can I ride out on a wheelchair?" Luke asked eagerly. I stifled a laugh and the doctor gave him a weird look.

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Hemmings." He said, handing him his clothes from a couple days ago.

The doctor left and we finished our food. Luke went to the bathroom to change while I cleaned up our food. Once he was done, we headed straight to the car.


"It feels nice to be home." he said as we stepped inside. Everything looked the same, but then I remembered. We never cleaned up after the incident, so the pills were still on the floor. The only thing I had time for was putting the pizza in the fridge.

"Where's the broom?" I asked quickly. He turned slowly towards me.

"In the hallway closet upstairs," I started walking up the stairs with him following behind me. "Why?"

"I need to sweep your room." I opened the door and grabbed the broom before turning to his room. I looked down at the floor where all the white pills laid on the wooden floor.

"Oh," he mumbled, looking around. He took the dustpan and together we sweeped it all up. "I'm sorry you guys had to go though that."

"No, it's fine," I looked over at him. "you shouldn't have to go through it either."

"But," he sat down on his bed and sighed. "I wanted to."

I looked down. "What makes you feel that way?"

He shrugged. "My family, people at school, I don't know." I thought back to the boy I slapped in the park, Brent.

"You shouldn't let them get to you." I leaned against his dresser and looked at him. He looked back at me.

"But everything they say is true. I'm a loser, Skylar, I'm not perfect or happy or even worth anything."

I shook my head slowly. "Luke,"

"I'm definitely not attractive. I don't even know what love feels like. No one even loves me!" He looked down again.

I wanted to go over to him and hug him tightly, but I couldn't get my body to move. "But Luke,"

"I don't even understand how I got a beautiful girl like you to talk to me." It felt like I stopped breathing for a couple seconds. I turned to look at him.

"What?" I stammered.

"I don't know, nevermind." he shrugged.

"Luke," I walked over to him and looked at him. "I think you're a great person and," I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand, wrapping my fingers in his.

"And what?" he looked up at me with his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you." His mouth curled up into a small smile, dimples forming beside his lips. I put my hand on his cheek, pulling his face towards mine and kissing him gently.

((A/N sorry I haven't been updating guys. Lots has happened: I was supposed to see 5sos in Chicago and my parents changed their mind so my heart has been broken yadda yadda and sLSP MUSIC VIDEO CAME OUT TODAY OSMS But yeah dance competitions are coming up.

Follow me on twitter: @lukulele_pie))

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