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I was always on time for lunch. Well, at least, not today. It didn't help that Iris, Danielle, and Jade didn't wait for me. Typical.

I walked quickly down the hallway so I could manage to get a good seat in the lunchroom. My converse tapped on the floor as I hurried through the younger classmen trying to get to class. I turned the corner to the lunchroom before I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I looked up quickly to see a tall blonde boy. I'm pretty sure his name is Luke, I've seen him with Calum a lot.

"No, it's fine," he slightly smiled, the corners of his mouth moving up. "Skylar, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you're Luke, right?"

"I sure hope I am." I laughed. We stood quietly for awhile.

"Are you sitting at Calum's table today?"

I shrugged. I usually didn't sit there because there were usually lots of people I didn't particularly like. Girls sitting there flirting, boys talking about sports, never anything interesting. "I mean, I guess I can."

Luke turned to walk into the lunchroom and I followed quietly behind. We went through the line, not saying a word to each other. I finally paid and followed Luke to Calum's table. Surprisingly, Calum was the only one there. I silently thanked the lord and pulled out a chair, setting down my tray.

"Well, look what we have here," Calum smirked at me. "None other than Skylar Santiago."

I rolled my eyes. "Hey Calum."

"I'm glad you finally came to sit with me." He said, taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

"You know I don't like the popular people." I shrugged. Calum scoffed, then smiled.

"They don't matter, I'd be fine just having you two." He looked over at me, then over to Luke, who was sitting quietly beside Calum.

"That was nice of you to say," Luke said before taking a drink of his water. "What are you doing tonight, Cal?"

"Nothing that I can think of, how about you guys?"

I shrugged. "Sitting on the internet, what else?"

"We should all hang out, us three." Calum said, leaning back in his chair. I took a bite of my cheeseburger and looked down.

"Sure, that'd be nice." I said finally. I knew we weren't going to do anything spectacular, but it's a hell lot better than sitting at home alone. It wouldn't hurt to catch up more on Calum's life, either.

We all decided to meet at Calum's locker after school and hang out at his house.


The rest of the day was just the normal classes, with nothing important happening. The final bell rang and I stood up quickly, leaving the classroom and going to my locker. After grabbing my bag, I slid my phone into my pocket and made my way to Calum's locker.

"Hi Luke." I said when I got to the locker. Calum wasn't here yet. Luke was leaned against the locker next to Calum's. He rolled his sweatshirt sleeves down and looked over to me.

"Hi." he said quietly, but he soon noticed the glare some girl was giving him. He pushed himself off the locker he was leaning on and the girl muttered a quick thanks, followed by some other rude words. We stood there in silence until Calum came.

"Alright, guys, let's go." We all walked down the long hallway until we were in the corridors. We followed Calum to his car, where we all got in, buckled up, and he started driving.

Luke plugged in his iPhone and turned on some music. I quickly recognised the Blink 182 song.

"In the car, I just can't wait!" I sang loudly, making Luke turn and state at me.

"You like Blink?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes, tapping my hand on my knee.

"Do you really like them, or do you only like the songs everyone else knows?" He said.

"I'm no fake bitch." I said with a laugh.

"She really isn't." Calum said, keeping his eyes on the road.

This continued with a few other bands. Luke continued to test my 'true fan status' and eventually thought I was 'worthy of his friendship'.

We soon arrived at Calum's house. Right when we got inside, Calum poured a huge bag of pizza rolls onto a tray.

"What?" He chuckled when I gave him a weird look. "Aren't you guys hungry?" He dumped the whole bag onto a tray and spread them out evenly. I shook my head, slightly laughing. I missed hanging out with Calum more than I realized. I sat down at the kitchen island and pulled out my math book. Fridays and homework don't work for me.

"You're doing your homework right now?" Calum leaned against the counter, looking at me.

I nodded. "I want to get it done and over with."

"But you're hanging out with us right now, homework can wait." Calum pushed my book away lightly. Luke came in and stood on the other side of the island.

I closed my book as Calum started talking again. "You guys have never talked before?"

"No, I only knew who she was because you talked about her." Luke said while messing with his fingers.

"Wow, Calum. Talking shit about me?" I said sarcastically, but made a fake hurt expression.

"All the time, my dear." He said with a grin, causing me to laugh. We all sat there and talked until our rolls of heaven were done cooking.

"So, who wants to watch a movie?" Calum said with a smile.


((A/N: Okay the first few chapters are super awkward and stuff but that's okay i hope you keep reading yadda yadda yadda awkward af bye))

((Hi I'm nichole via 6/4/15 wazzup made some changes :-) ))

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