Ocean~Chapter 33

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It was the next day, and they were changing to their original forms one by one.

Tony was the first one to change to his original size. I was in the kitchen, preparing some food for the heroes once they had changed back. Loki was in the living room with everyone else. I was minding my own business when I suddenly heard,

"REINDEER GAMES?! I WILL KILL YOU!" My head snapped up. I raced into the living room just in time to find that Tony was chasing Loki around the large room. I smile.

"Great! Another child I don't need to take care of!" I exclaim enthusiastically. Tony turned towards me and smirked.

"Have fun taking care of me?" He smirked, his ego growing by the second. I deadpan.

"No, you were the most annoying." Tony's face fell and he playfully glared at me. Then turned to the rest of the children.

"Aweww, so cute. They are so little and harm-" Tony was cut off by a grown Natasha appearing before him.

"Finish that sentence, I dare you." She growled. Tony's eyes widened as he screamed like an eleven year old girl that had just found out that one of her favorite characters was killed.

I watched as a fully grown Clint and Natasha chased Tony around the room, just like what Tony was doing to Loki a couple minutes ago.

I helped everyone and gave them food once they turned back. Thor had already finished three full boxes of pop tarts, and Steve was in the middle of eating America's national food. Cheeseburgers.

Within an hour, everyone was back to normal except for Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup was still a baby, and he was trying to imitate everyone and tried to walk, but his metal, artificial leg kept popping off, so I had reconnect it.

"Lady y/n, could you please retrieve another box of the tart of pops?" Thor asked me. I smiled at the demigod and did as he had asked.

I opened the cupboard and reached up to grab the box delectable goodness. But I stopped in mid grab when I heard a loud roar and a childish scream of joy. I rushed into the room just in time to watch baby Toothless fly out of a window with Hiccup in his back. I rush to the window and watched as the flew off.

"Hiccup!" I yell to my brother, but it did nothing. I turned to everyone else. "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?!" I yell angrily, before climbing on D/n, and taking off through the window. I could hear the others, running up some stairs, so I guess they were running up to the landing pad, that was atop the building, to get into a helicopter.

"HICCUP!" I yell out again, but my effort was useless. Toothless may be smaller than D/n, and slower, but he still managed to get far away from me. I was fearing for the dragon's and my brother's safety.

"D/n, come on." I exclaim. D/n starts to gain speed and we start to catch up to the young ones. Hiccup and Toothless start to fly over an ocean.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Toothless returned to normal. My eyes widened as I saw that Hiccup's feet couldn't fit in Toothless' stirrups.

Because Hiccup couldn't reach the stirrups, there was no one to control the dragon's artificial tail, so Toothless soon lost control. I scream as Hiccup falls out of the saddle.

"HICCUP!" I yell fearfully. Tony, in his suit, jumps out of the helicopter and tackles Toothless, making sure he doesn't get hurt when he hits the ground.

I suddenly got an idea. I leaned forward and whispered in D/n's gray and blue ears. "Come on, let's do it girl." D/n got the idea and made a movement that resembled a nod.

She sharply turns down and plunges toward the ocean. D/n lets herself go into free fall, and we soon fall passed Hiccup. As we passed the young boy, I grabbed him with both arms and brought him to my chest and kept him in my death grip.

D/n continued in free fall, but before we hit the ocean she fires a plasma ball that's a neon f/c. Then she turns up and flies up and smacks her tail on the ocean making us gain momentum. I climb to stand on her back and back flip off, with Hiccup still in my arms.

I put one of my hands in front of me as if I'm diving into the water. D/n flips over and shoots another plasma ball passed me and onto the ocean's surface.

When it blows up, the water explosion pushes me back and passed d/n. I turn my body into a sitting position and then gravity starts pulling me back down to the surface.

As slight smile spreads across my face as I tried to bring Hiccup closer to me while we still fell. I could hear everyone else's fearful yells, but I made no movement to reassure them.

Then at the last second before I plunged into the ocean, d/n flew under me and caught me. I let out a breath of relief as D/n carried us to shore. Once we landed, I slowly climbed off of her, giving her a smile in the meantime.

I lay the little boy down on the ground, and within seconds he grew to his original size and he smiled at me. I sigh and hug him. "Oh my Odin! Your okay!" I say happily as I hug him with all of my strength.

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