Useful~Chapter 32

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I yelp when I look up at Loki. Slightly embarrassed, I take a scoot back.

"Loki?! What are you doing here?" I asked. He stayed silent and quirked an eyebrow, allowing me to come to a conclusion.

"You did this didn't you!" I accuse. He puts his pale hands up in surrender he smirks.

"You caught me red handed." He said, still smirking. I glared at he make while taking the toddler off my lap so I could stand.

"Why?! I had to do so much! And why am I the only one that's not a baby?"

"It's amusing, and because your the only one that seemed mature enough. All of this was so amusing. And, I didn't want to be the one to take care of all of you." He explained.

"Well change them back." I retort.

"Oh, I don't think I can do that." He replied. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked slowly. I took baby Wanda, walked back Loki and placed the little girl in the makeshift play pen. His piercing blue eyes followed my moving form.

"The spell I cast can only be cast one way. There is no reverse spell." My glare hardened and I looked like I was just about to strangle the ravenette. D/n wrapped her tail around my waist to keep me in place.

"COME HERE AND LET ME KILL YOU! RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" I started screaming. Loki rolled his eyes at me and put his arms behind his back.

"Oh be quiet mortal. The spell will wear off eventually."

"And when is eventually." Loki looked down at an imaginary watch on his wrist then moved his arm back behind him.

"In twelve hours." He said vaguely.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I started screaming again, once again trying to strangle him, only to be held back by D/n.

I stopped screaming when I realized that the loud sounds I was making had awoken the little toddlers. I calmed down and waited for D/n to let go of me. And when she eventually did, I calmly walked to the play pen and started to calm the crying kids.

I picked up a weeping Thor in my arms and started to whisper sweet nothings to him will patting his back and hopping lightly on one leg. The little demigod soon calmed down. I pulled away, wiped away the tear stains and placed him down again, only to do the same to the rest of the little heroes and dragon tamers.

Loki stood there, doing and saying nothing. While caring for Natasha, I turned to the other demigod and slightly glared at him.

"You know, while your here. You can make yourself useful." His eyes widened and he was about to teleport away, but before he could, I rushed forward and grabbed his sleeve.

I dragged him towards the kids. "Now be useful." I demanded. I placed the sleeping assassin down and moved on to my little big brother. Loki froze and frigidly bent down, only to hand a small toy to one of them. I rolled by eyes.

"Your hopeless." I mutter while I handed Hiccup over to him.

"Drop him, and you drop from this building." I threaten him. He sighed and imitated what I was doing with Astrid, with Hiccup.

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