Babies~Chapter 30

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(I know this is cliche, but I don't care.)

I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up in bed. I looked around my room, the blurriness slowly disappearing. I blinked my e/c eyes a couple times until I could see clearly. Everything seemed sort of eerie and I didn't know why.

I looked down at the sleeping dragon that was curled up in the middle of the floor of my room. I smiled as I stood up and walked over to D/n. I knelt down and slowly nudged her until she was awake, then I walked away while she stretched. While she was doing this, I brushed the nots of out my h/l h/c hair. I stopped and smiled at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my work.

I placed my f/c brush back onto my dresser before exiting my room. Everything was silent, creeping me out. I mean, would you think it would be completely silent except for the occasional sounds of the birds outside, in the Avengers tower. AVENGERS TOWER! I looked down each hallway, but there was no one.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I glanced back at my best friend, who just gave me a dragon like shrug. I shrugged back before making my way down the last hall and into the kitchen. I saw no one in the dining room, and no one was in the kitchen, so I just continued making breakfast, which was toast. And no,  it was not burnt toast.

Once I was finished spreading the butter on my newly made breakfast, I walked into the living room to eat it while reading a book that Bruce had lent me. I stopped in mid step when I entered the fancy room. I dropped my plastic plate, that held my toast, and screamed, awakening the little figures that lay on the fancy white couch. They all slowly got up then turned to me, who was still screeching. Some of them laughed, some stared at me in confusion, and some started crying.

I finally lost breath and stopped screaming. I took in the sight in front of me. Before me, sat many little babies, each resembling a friend of mine. The two children who seemed to be arguing with each other, I could already tell were Tuffnut and Ruffnut. Okay, that's two.

The baby that seemed to be laughing the loudest, was the one and only Hiccup, and next to him sat Astrid who stared at him. That makes four babies.

Baby Clint was crawling on the ground, staring at anyone he passed, until he came to a road block. Thor, who was laughing his tiny god butt off. Six babies.

I saw baby Tony, also laughing his butt off, but not at me. I followed his gaze to a tiny Steve, who was crying his eyes out. Geez, Tony was a bully from the start. Eight babies.

I then saw baby Bruce, sniffling. He was so sad, but he wasn't sitting alone. Next to him on the couch, was Natasha. She sat close to him, patting her tiny, chubby baby hands on his back. It was so cute! Ten babies.

I looked around to see if there were anymore babies, but I didn't see any. I was about to settle with ten babies, until I heard a growl. I turned and found baby Wanda, sitting atop an annoyed D/n, who was sitting next to a baby Toothless.

Ten babies and a baby dragon.

Oh great.

"What could go wrong?" I asked myself.

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