Blank▫️ Chapter 17

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~y/n's POV~

I sat on my bed and stared at the wall opposite of me. My expression was blank. I haven't spoken since to anyone in two days.

We had found Ruffnut and Tuffnut last month.

But, I'm not speaking. I'm not in a good mood, and Astrid and the twins understand why. I haven't explained and I don't want to elaborate to everyone else.

The Avengers didn't say anything but I could tell they were worried. I mean why wouldn't I be.

I wasn't speaking to anyone. I had blank expressions. I stared at walls. I haven't left my room. And I was wearing my armor from the first day I was in this dimension. And I haven't worn them since I went shopping with the girls!

At times, they would catch me spinning my axe around in my hand, and just staring at it.

And yesterday, after dinner, Wanda caught me with a tear sliding down my cheek. She tried to talk to me, but I just walked back to my room.

I mean, you have to understand why I'm doing this. I haven't seen Hiccup in three months......
And it was our birthday...

(I'm super sorry that's is so short. I sorta have an idea, kinda, and I didn't know how to make it longer and I didn't want to spend another week trying to write this chapter. So think of it as kind of...a sneak peak chapter.)

My Guardian DragonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora