No!▫️ Chapter 19

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(Sorry it's late. Also, I had no ideas and asked my friend, who wrote this whole chapter! So thank mannysmile! I owe this to them!)

~Hiccup's POV~

I began sprinting towards the others, brimming with happiness. I kept running until I spotted my mom. "Mom!" I said coming to a stop before her "woah there hiccup what is it?"

"Mom! Mom, it's her! Th-there's a way to get her,to get all of them back!" I said panting slightly. She stood there staring at me like I was crazy and right now, I wouldn't deny it.

"What? Ok, hiccup start over i didn't quite get that." I explained to her what had just happened before running towards the others. I had finally gathered snotlout, fishlegs, my Mother, and gobber.

"Why am I here?" snotlout questioned "I'm getting to that" I said before pulling out the book. "What's that?" snotlout asked "If you let me talk maybe i'd tell you" I growled slightly frustrated.

"well then, tell us!" snotlout yelled. I rubbed my temples, "ok, I called you all out here today to address a problem, and a potential solution." I flipped through the pages of the book before continuing.

"The problem being, the disappearance sister Y/N, astrid, and both tuffnut and ruffnut. The solution," I revealed the page I was reading "is this".

~3rd POV~

Everyone gasped slightly, "Hiccup, where did you get that?" Valka asked her son "that's not important right now mom, this may be-"

"No Hiccup! I forbid you from using anything from that book!"
"But mom! We could get everyone back this" He pointed at the book,

"this could be the answer"

"Hiccup, I am your mother and you will obey"


"No, buts"

~Valka's POV~

'I can't let it happen twice', I thought to myself, shuddering at the memory 'I will not lose anymore family to that book, never'

~Hiccups POV~

'How can she say that?' I thought to myself before storming off. I heard her calling for me but ignored it. If she won't help then I'll just do it myself.

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