Play pen~Chapter 31

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"What could go wrong?" I had asked myself again, before going into a fit of laughing.

"EVERYTHING!" I screamed to myself, before burying my face in my hand. The ten babies had formed a circle around me, as if surrounding me to keep me from leaving. I looked up and stared at all of their innocent faces. Well, nine innocent faces, Tony didn't count.

Some of the babies laughed in amusement at my suffering. I had to change their diapers, feed them and many more things. They are so high maintenance! My stomach then started to rumble, making me realize that I had fed them, but not myself.

I sigh and pick up each and every one of them, one at a time and placed them in a make shift baby play pen that I had made out of planks of wood I had found in Tony's workshop. I sigh and walk into the kitchen to start preparing some food for myself. I decide to make f/f, until I heard a cry from one from one of the toddlers. I sighed and hit my head on the counter.

"Jarvis." I say aloud, thanking that Tony had taught me about his system thingie, and showed me how to activate it.

"Yes, Ms. Y/n?" The robot has replied.

"Could you please tell me what is happening in the other room?" I asked.

"Of course." Jarvis replied before his voice disappeared from my hearing. I waited a bit, continuing to make my food in the mean time. I ran my (not dominant) hand through my H/l h/c hair, frustrated with what has happened to them. I stopped what I was doing when Jarvis began speaking again.

"Almost all of them have escaped the barrier. Ms. Maximoff has made Mr. and Ms. Thorsten cry by scaring them with her mutations. Ms. Romanoff has pushed Mr. Horrendous and Mr. Rogers in a corner with a knife she had found. And Mr. Odinson is struggling to lift up Mjölni." He informed me. My eyes widened. A KNIFE?!

"AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME SOONER?!" I screamed as I ran into the room, only to prove that what Jarvis had said was quite true. I rushed to Natasha first, and ripped the blade from her small hands, making her cry. I pick her up in one arm and carry her with me while I walk back to put the knife back in the kitchen.

With her still in my arms, I make my way back to the living room and then place her back in the play pen. I pick up Steve and my brother. I place them both in the pen, then do the same with Tony, Bruce, Astrid and Clint. I rush towards Wanda and pick her up in my arms, causing her to stop making wisps with her mutant powers.

I place Wanda on the couch, so I could deal with her later. Once I was done with the auburn hair colored girl, I rushed towards the still crying, mischief making toddlers and place them in the pen. I walk over to Thor, who was still trying to life his hammer. I bend down and take him in my arms, only for him to start crying because he was separated from his precious Mjölnir. I try picking it up, but failed completely.

I sigh as I place him next to his possession again. I picked up the barrier and place it down with Thor in the middle of it, then quickly rushed and replaced the rest of the babies inside before they could crawl away. When I was pretty sure everyone except Wanda was in the pen, I walked to the couch and sat next to the little girl.

I picked her up, only to place her in my lap soon after. I smiled at her and let her grip my pointer finger with her tiny hand. I smile at how cute she was.

"Having fun?" A voice asked, making me jump in surprise. I look up, only to look straight into the bright blue eyes of a smirking Loki.

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