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So I was tagged by _Suffering_Girl_

And here it goes...

Last thing I ate...
Um...well I think it was...ice cream. Yeah I think it was vanilla ice cream with whipped cream. 😋

Emotion Right now...
Well, I would say pretty chill. Not feeling anything extreme.

Name for future child...
😳um.......i don't know yet. I haven't really thought about it. I'll just skip.

Favorite drink...
Um, hm...I'll have to say Mountain Dew of eggnog

Favorite Song(s)...
That's easy. This is Gospel by Panic!at the Disco and Battlefield by Nightcore

Weapon of Choice...

Pacifist or violent...
Well in my head, I'm pretty much a serial killer, but on the outside, I hold my emotions and I'm pretty chill and not violent.

Drawing, singing, writing, volleyball, listening to music, acting...I think that's it.

Favorite scent...


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