Part 19~ School

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    I walk into that school and Brigitte is giving me the stink eye. The boys that kicked my ass look like shit. Then there is bruises,swollen,dried blood, and more on there faces. Brian, Liam, and Lucas enters the school right behind me acting like there my body guards. "I don't need a body gaurd." I inform them 

"Noah says we need to take care of you." Brian says firmly

   I opened my locker grabbing my stuff for my class. "Hey." Emily says 

"Hi." I say looking down avoiding eye contact 

"What the hell happen to your face?" She says jerking my face to look up at her 

"Nothing." I say jerking my head away from her 


      School ended quickly and I went home for the first time in forever. I walk into the house and its not surprising that my dad has beer can's everywhere and my mom sitting there and doing nothing useful. I walk right upstairs avoiding what stares, or what they had to say to me. I walk in the room to see Noah holding his shoulder on my bed. "What the hell happen?" I say kneeling in front of him. There is blood on his hand. I pull out my kit and start whipping his wound. "I got shot." he says with no emotion. I squeeze the wound,but there is only blood gushing out not the bullet. "Got dammit put a lot more pressure on it." Noah snaps at me. I press harder and you can now see the bullet coming up. "Mmmm....Grrrr....Fuck." Noah says squirming 

  I pull that sucker right out of his shoulder. "Fuckkkk....Shit" he says cursing at the bullet finally coming out. I bandage it up, but I could tell that's not what he wanted from me. "What?" I say putting his hair out of his face. "I'm leaving." he says not meeting my eyes 

"What-" I say getting interupted 

"People are coming for me. I don't want you to get hurt because of me, or I don't want you being a part of this." he says softly 

  My eyes started filling up with water. I started chuckling a little. "That's so funny. I'm already part of this shit Noah. There is no point of leaving me." I say with several emotions coming to me 

"I'm not arguing with you."he says softly still not meeting my eyes 

"I'm not arguing with you. I'm just telling the truth." my voice getting shaky

    Noah gets up and starts leaving. "No you have to be fucking kidding me right? There has to be another way? Right?" I say crying 

"This is the only way." he says meeting my eyes 


     Noah kisses my forehead one last time. Then he walks out that window. He doesn't look back at me. Smile or gives me that adorable smirk. He doesn't even tease me. He just leaves me with out even telling me why. He is leaving me. He said he loves me. If you love? Why did you fucking leave me? You make me hate you because you left me empty and suspected to me to forget about you. The tattoo's,kisses, the fighting, everything, you didn't appreciate me so you just leave. Why me? What have I done to make you leave me so quickly? 

~Emily Pov~

 "Emily someone is here to see you." my mom yells from downstairs 

   I run downstairs and I swing that door open. "Mia what are you doing here?" I say worried

   Mia doesn't answer me. I take her to my room and shut the door right behind me. "Where is Noah, Lucas, and Liam?" I say concerned 

"They left me." she says starting to sob 

"No...Honey." I say coming over 

   Mia explains everything that happens and why she was gone. After that she starts crying and shaking really badly. Her eyes are red. Her make up is smeared on her face. She is wearing sweatpants with a normal shirt, and she has her comfortable fussy shoes on. Her hair is in a sloppy bun. She doesn't look good in any way. I pull away from our comforting hug "Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Anything?" I say softly and calmly 

  Mia  nod her head and pulls the covers back. She pulls it over her and hugs my great big teddy bear. She cries her self to sleep. I don't go to sleep yet I have to check if my best friend will be okay. I feel so terrible for her. I want her to forget all of this. I wish I could do so much more. I stop my train of thoughts and laid down with my best friend. 

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