Chapter Nineteen: Crossfire

Start from the beginning

Deathstroke curled a fist, reeled back then buried it with startling velocity into Silvia's gut. She released a garbled yelp as blood erupted from her mouth, painting the blue face of her mask. Wilson once again dug his fist into her stomach, causing Silvia to loosen her hold on him.

"You think you can keep up with me?" He seized her by the neck and pegged her with full force at the side of an ATM. Silvia impacted the machine with the top of her skull; an injury that would've killed any normal person. She and the ATM were sent tumbling over from the intense force. "Don't quit your day job." Deathstroke taunted.

Silvia once again pulled herself up without a moment's delay. "Shut up. I took down Batman...and I'll take you down the same..."

"Batman's small game, sweetheart. Especially when you're a meta. Nothing to brag about."

Deathstroke pushed the offensive by sweeping out his sword and swinging it out at Silvia's head. Despite her injuries, the Reaper evaded the unbreakable sword and thrusted another of her pistols into Wilson's ribcage. She managed to squeeze the trigger twice before Deathstroke sent his sword down along her shoulder and backhanded her away as if she were a ragdoll.

Stumbling backwards, Silvia noticed that her gunshots pierced Deathstroke's suit and was causing some light bleeding to his torso.

"Hmpf. You're still nothin' but a wannabe." The Terminator flashed forward and gouged Silvia's right knee with his broadsword, slashed a deep cut upwards through her chin, mouth and cheek, then swung its pommel into her forehead with a dull crack.

Silvia could barely see straight after the would be fatal blow to the head, but her ravenous rage sent her barrelling into Wilson once again. Blood oozing from the wound on her face, and mask hanging open from the strike, Silvia shrieked like a feral creature and dug her teeth into the bullet wound on Wilson's ribs.

She brutalised the bare flesh with her teeth, as Deathstroke thrusted his sword into Silvia's abdomen. With a whip of her head, Silvia tore a chunk of Wilson's meat out of his torso and was flung backwards when Wilson kicked her blood-soaked body off of his weapon.

Silvia landed with a crunch on the tiled floor, a pool of her own blood appearing beneath her. Deathstroke sheathed his sword and patted the gorey teeth-marked wound on his body.

"Hm. Impressive. I'm a bit tougher than the usual steak. My guess is that whatever chemicals that scumbag dad of yours put into your system maximised your instincts as well as your physicality." He said and the Reaper snarled, sending spit and blood all over the floor as she tried to stand. Deathstroke continued "To think you exist because someone wanted to copy me is an insult, really. If you were better...that would be a different story."

Wilson unholstered his Desert Eagle, pointed it at Silvia's already mutilated body and fired relentlessly. Each shot wasn't enough to cause Silvia any pain in her current crazed state. Deathstroke shrugged. "But the fact of the matter is, you're much too fun. If you survive this, I guess you'll have earnt a rematch. And by the way...I noticed your little moment. You're getting soft. And that means that I'll be beating you to every job if you don't stop being a coward."

Reaper wanted to curse him, to scream that she was no coward... but her vision was fading fast and her voice had left her. Deathstroke didn't give her a second look when he left, and before long she was motionless against the concrete roof. Her instincts died down but when they did the pain came barrelling through.

Her skin became clammy beneath the fountain of blood. Every few minutes she would scream like she was being tortured... but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit. Then the agony was too much and she could no longer vocalise it.

In the distance she heard someone call her name... It sounded like Clark but deeper, more controlled. Then an 'S' symbol blurred into her mind. She was in so much pain that she couldn't even connect it with a person. All she could do was hear him, and feel her bones rattle when he picked her up. Soon enough even those senses faded and she was left in utter darkness.



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