Lucas's POV
I take Derek upstairs and he doesn't put on his pajamas he just puts on some basketball shorts and a shirt and I put him to sleep in his room. When I leave his room and close his door, I hear Maya and her dad yelling downstairs.
"You expect me to be okay with you and your boyfriend having sleepovers every night at 14 years old?! You are always at his house, how do I know what you guys are doing!" Her dad shouts
"We are always there because we aren't welcome here. If it wasn't for that guy upstairs, I wouldn't be here right now! I would've killed my self a long time ago!" She shouts and that breaks my heart and makes me happy at the same time.
"What?" Her dad asks in a softer tone
"Yeah, he saved me dad. It makes me so mad when you say that he's bad for me. I love him, I really do and I'm sorry that you don't support our relationship but that doesn't mean I'm going to end it." And she walks away and makes her way upstairs so I run to her room.
"Maya-" her dad starts but then stops when he hears her running upstairs. Maya runs into her room and tears are streaming down her face. She runs into my arms and I just hold her while she cries into my shoulder.
"Can you tell your mom to come pick us up?" She sobs
"You still wanna leave?" I ask her
"I don't wanna leave but I need to. That's the first time I've ever mentioned suicide to my parents. I need to leave Lucas"
"Okay i already texted her. She's on her way. Let's get some of your stuff together."
I help her pack her bag. She packs some sweatshirts, a couple swimsuits, a couple pairs of shorts, sweatpants, a pair of jeans, a few dresses, and some pajamas. She doesn't know how many days she'll be at my house so she makes sure to bring outfit options. She also packs her rainbows, sandals, heels, and 2 pairs of vans. She goes into her bathroom and packs everything she needs. I grab my bag and Maya goes to give Derek a kiss and then we head downstairs.
"Maya wait please don't go." Her mom says
"Sorry mom I'll be back-I don't know when I'll be back actually. Bye" she says and then we leave to get into my mom's car.
"Hi guys! Everything okay?" My mom asks when we get in the car.
"Not really." Maya says laying her head on my shoulder.
"Would some Dutch Bros cheer you up Maya?" My mom asks Maya
"Yes it really would." Maya says chuckling.
"Well that's where we are going then." My mom says smiling and starts driving to Dutch Bros, Maya's favorite place. It makes me happy to see her beautiful smile start to appear on her face when we get there. We get our drinks and of course Maya has to take a picture of us. We go back home and decide that it would probably be best if we stayed home tonight instead of going out. So we go home and go straight to my room.
"What do you wanna do baby girl?" I ask
"I just wanna eat pizza, watch Netflix, and cuddle with you." She says drinking her drink.
"That's what we'll do then" i say squeezing her and smiling at her sadly.
I then turn on some Netflix but neither of us really pay attention to what's going on.
"Do you think things are gonna change when we go to high school?" She asks
"What do you mean?" I ask looking down at her.
"Do you think we'll still be together or at least best friends?" She asks sitting up.
"Well I hope that we're together for the rest of our lives"
"Do you mean that? Cause I mean you'll get tired of me at some point like everyone else does."
"Maya stop. Of course I mean that. And I will never, ever get tired of you. How could I get tired of a perfect person like you?" I say while smiling.
"It's hard for me to believe you." She says looking at her hands.
"Baby, what's going on? Talk to me" she doesn't say anything she just fidgets with her hands.
"Maya? Look at me." I say lifting her chin so we make eye contact. I can see that her beautiful blue eyes are now red and covered with tears.
"Why're you crying?" I say holding her hands, but she quickly pulls them away and wipes her eyes.
"I'm fine" she says
"No you aren't. Tell me what's wrong"
"I just don't know what to do anymore Lucas. I can't make anyone happy anymore. I just want everything to stop. People, school, life, just everything." She says while looking at her fidgeting hands.
"You make so many people happy."
"Not the people that matter"
"So I don't matter?"
"No, of course you matter. But, besides you, I don't make anyone else happy"
"What about Derek? He adores you!"
"And i just left him. I promised myself that I would never leave him. When I wanted to kill myself, I didn't do it because I didn't wanna leave him. And now I did. I failed him too"
"Maya, stop please!" I say getting tears in my eyes and getting frustrated
"Why? Why should I stop? I'm nothing Lucas! I'm a fat and ugly nobody! I don't even know what I'm doing here. I should be home not with someone who I care about but will soon leave me like everyone else." She says sobbing at this point
"Maya Isabel Winters, stop it!" I shout and I can see that she's taken aback by my sudden outburst.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't do anything right. I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want. I'm sorry that you are dating such a loser and a prude like me. I understand if you want me to leave" she says getting up. I quickly pull her back down and into my arms. She sits on my lap but doesn't wrap her arms around me.
"What do you want me to do for you Maya?" I ask.
"I want you to hold me and never let me go." She says finally wrapping her arms around me.
"Then that's what I'm going to do. Because I love you and I would never get tired of you." I say holding her tighter.
"I love you too. Thank you" she says looking up at me and connecting our lips for a slow but passionate and meaningful kiss. We lay down and all I hear is Maya's sobs and all I feel is her tears seeping through my shirt and her body shaking. A few moments later, she stops shaking and I see that she's fallen asleep. Her whole body is on top of me like a baby's but I manage to slip out from under her.
I look at my phone and I have missed calls from her mom and dad.
Maya's mom:
Please have Maya call me. I need to make sure she's okay and she's not answering her phone.
She asleep right now. I don't think talking to her would be best at the moment. She needs space. I promise I'll have her come by tomorrow, but I don't know when she'll be back. I'll let you know how she's doing.
Maya's mom:
Thank you Lucas.

After texting her mom, I just sit in the living room with my head in my hands because I don't know what to do. Maya's really struggling and I don't know if I should get her help or not. I don't know how to help her. But I have to find a way. Right now, the best thing I can do, is be there for her and make sure I'm there when she wakes up. So, I go back upstairs, climb into bed with her, put my arms around her, and fall asleep.

Maya's POV
I wake up and Lucas is on his phone.
"Hey beautiful, how did you sleep?" Lucas asks looking over at me.
"Okay I guess."
"Want some pizza? There's hot pizza downstairs."
"I do but I don't think I need any" I say patting my fat stomach.
"I swear to god, if you call yourself fat or try to say that you are fat ever again, I'm going to flip my shit. Maya you are not fat, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Please stop bringing yourself down" he said looking angry.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop. But I actually really do want some pizza, so can we go get some?" I ask laughing.
"Of course baby girl let's go" he says smiling. I run downstairs and he starts running after me laughing.
"Yes! Pizza is my favorite!!" I yell
"I know that's why we got you some" he says chuckling. We eat the pizza and then go back into my room.
"Where's your mom?" I ask
"She had to go do something at work" he says looking kinda sad.
"Are you okay?" I ask looking at him.
"I'm fine, nothing I have going on compares to what's happening with you right now, so we don't have to talk about it." He says replacing his frown with a fake smile.
"You're right. We don't have to talk about it, we need to talk about it. Tell me what's wrong" I say holding his face.
"It just kinda bothers me that my mom is never home. I understand that my sister likes to go places but I miss my mom a lot." He says taking his hands off my face and holding them.
"Aw baby it's okay to miss your mom. I miss my family all the time."
"I know but you see your family more than I do. I never see my dad, I only see him at my games and that's for like 2 minutes after the game. My mom is only here to take me to school and to pick me up. I just feel like they wanna be away from home. I don't know" he says sighing and looking very sad. It makes my heart break to see him like this.
"How could anyone wanna be away from you? You're the best person I know. Your mom is just busy with work and so is your sister. I promise everything will be okay. Okay?" I say
"Alright. Can I have a hug?" Lucas asks me with puppy dog eyes.
"Of course and a little bit more than a hug."I sit on his lap and wrap my legs around his torso and give him a tight hug. When we pull away, I push my lips on his for a passionate kiss. I can tell he's feeling better because I can feel him smile against my lips, that makes me smile too. We continue to kiss and his hands move up and down my bare back under my shirt. I run my fingers through his hair and tug at the ends very softly. His tongue is trying to find its way into my mouth but I'm not letting it. He always finds a way to get to me though because he squeezes my ass which always makes me yelp and he can always get his way. Our make out session lasted for maybe 10 minutes until we pulled away. We didn't give each other hickeys or anything, it was nice to just kiss my boyfriend. I'm still sitting on his lap when I rest my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his cologne.
"We're a mess aren't we?" I ask chuckling
"Yeah, but a fucking hot one. Have you seen how sexy and hot we both are?" He laughs
"I may have noticed," I say smiling at him.
"I mean between your beauty, my sexiness, your ass, and my muscles, we got the whole thing going for us." He says squeezing me and laughing.
"Man i love you so much it's crazy." I say stroking the side of his face and smiling very wide.
"Not as much as I love you Maya Winters." And then he connects our foreheads together and we just sit there smiling at each other. We decide to actually watch some Netflix while cuddling and just laughing together. We both wanted to watch "White Chicks" because it's our favorite comedy on Netflix. We sit there for the next 2 and a half hours laughing our heads off. I laugh so much my stomach starts hurting. This day was complete shit, but somehow Lucas managed to make it amazing at the end of the night. And that's why I love him so god damn much.

It's a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes. (Lucas and Maya)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum