Chapter 25 (Our Day, My Day?)

Start from the beginning

"Charlotte? You're zoning out on me," I heard Brant laugh. He sat up and pulled me onto his lap. "You okay?"

Looking into his dark blue eyes, of course I was okay. There's no other feeling that I get when I'm with him. Everything is safe, okay, perfectly fine no matter what's happening around us. "I'm fine, just thinking."

He deeply frowned. "Last time you told me that, I said something that hurt you. I was only kidding about the sex stuff, Charlotte. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

"It's not that," I giggled while wrapping my arms around his neck. He cracked a cute grin. "I really was thinking. I was thinking about this morning with dad and Chanel."

"I didn't look, I swear," Brant said while doing the motion of crossing his heart. I gave him an accusing look. He was a guy, there was no way he didn't peek. "Okay, I looked for half of a second," he admitted in a guilty tone. "But she has a flat ass! I looked away before you even covered my eyes."

I laughed, patting his cheek for thinking of such a quick and satisfying cover up. He better be glad I'm an understanding girl or I would've killed him. "You're an idiot," I whispered to him. "But nice try."

He gave a shrug and slipped his hand into mine. "You're superior in every way compared to any girl, Charlotte. I know I have a good girl with an amazing body. No girl stands a chance against you." Wow, he was good. I give him props for the velvety smooth tone he was using too. "I love you more than anything, even myself. Now can I use your chest as a pillow? I'm tired."

I went from his lap to my seat, tugging him over by his sleeve to let him rest his head where he desired. I stroked his hair in a soothing way while he settled down. His arms were around me, holding me close while he tried to go to sleep. "Do you love me?" was his last question.

"Always, Brant."

He lifted his head to place a light kiss on my cheek. "You make it so hard not to feel guilty. Can you be a little less sweet?"

He wanted me to be mean to him? Being mean to Brant Young was something I could never do. "Go to sleep," I said in a stern voice, waggling my finger at him like a misbehaving child. "Or else," I warned.

"My mother is going to kill me for not telling her about us, so your threats are meaningless." He rubbed our noses together, only to snuggle close to me again so he could sleep. I'm sure Stella wouldn't kill me, but Brant's head was definitely going to be on the chopping block later.


"Stella..." I said in a cautious tone. She looked at me with her crazed blue eyes. "Put the wooden spoon down." The woman shook her head, holding Brant tighter by his shirt. "Please, Stella, for me. I would really like my boyfriend without a million lumps on his head. I take care of him enough with those bruised ribs of his if you hadn't of noticed."

Brant shot me a glare. I sweetly smiled in return, adding a bite to my lip for innocence that made his demeanor change to flirtatious as well. He wasn't the only one who had power in this relationship. "Stella Marie," Jack's voice said from beside of me. "Honey, let our son go. I'm sure there's a reason he didn't call to let you know."

Stella looked expectantly at Brant who sheepishly smiled at his mother. "I was busy," he admits. The bland look on her face said that she wasn't buying it. "I was busy kissing Charlotte for the most part." I smiled when he winked my way. "And, things were pretty hard for her while we were there. We couldn't even go sight seeing because of all of these reporters were trying to get to her, so I took her mind off of it like a good boyfriend should."

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