Chapter 1

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This is a story that you, the reader, could help me write with any comments, criticism, and suggestion. You were an everyday human that lived an average life. You worked a part-time job at (insert job), you lived in (insert area). Your home consisted of your (insert age) self and no one else. Your life went to hell when your boss said "Y/N you're fired. I'm sorry we had to make budget cuts on employees and we came down on your name." It was your birthday too. You bought yourself a cake to celebrate by yourself because before you got home your family called and told you they hated you and disowned you. You got home and lit the candles you depressingly bought and right when you were about to blow them out you get a phone call.

Y/N: Hello?

??: Hi is this Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, who is this?

??: My name is Agent Takeshita. The reason why I called is because you have been chosen for a special program.

Y/N: How did I get picked. Also what kind of program.

Agent Takeshita: I work for the government I was allowed to choose civilians for this program that were eligible to host other civilians from other parts of the world.

Y/N: Oh alright that sounds fine. Wait will they know how to speak English and can I at least get some information on the person I'm hosti...

(Before you could finish your sentence Takeshita interrupted you.)

Takeshita: I'm sorry Y/N I'm only allowed to distribute any further information in person I will see you tomorrow. Goodbye!!!

The call ended and you were dumbfounded on what just happened. You hoped it was all in your head so you went to bed hoping that this was just a bad dream.

-End of Chapter 1-

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