"Too much shock, my bestfriend died Zayn! He loved me!"She said crying, that was when I raised my voice.

"Because you're pregnant of your fucking bestfriend's baby!You happy?How could you do this to me?I loved you Estee!"I yelled at her , that was the first time I ever yelled at her. When I said she was pregnant her eyes were wide opened shocked andcwas crying more.

"Zayn stop!"Louis said putting his arm around her and she cried in his arms.

"Zayn, you will never understand how Harry means to me!"Estee said crying. She thinks I don't?

"You think I don't? I know you love him Estee, you always did, you just didn't realise it ...until yesterday. The way you talked about him, the way you smiled when you hear his songs, his voice, anything about him. You were never so free with me like you were with him!"I said with threatening tears streaming down my face. Wasn't crying more than her though.

"I love you Zayn! Harry's my bestfriend how many--"She started but I cut her off.

"So what made you want to fuck with him?"I asked her, she was quiet , just crying.

"Zayn! Enough, don't stress her more!"Louis told him.

"Fine, I love Harry but I love you too Zayn! I'm sorry for what happened sbd let's move on, he wants me to be happy with you, we can be together, you me and the baby!"She said and I fekt ny hands tightening. Like I want this child in our lives!

"I never said I wanted that thing to be in our lives!"I said making both Estee and Louis jawdropped. Estee kept her hands on her still flat stomach crying.

Don't tell she wanted to keep it?

"Don't call him or her thing!"Estee said.

"Why won't you try Zayn?"Louis asked me.

"Just think, how would you feel when the kid calls me daddy! I'll be happy but will you?"I asked Estee who didnt say anything, she was crying. Estee will never stop thinking about Harry, she loves him too much. Sad for her she realised it too late.

Harry was the one made for her. Not me!

"We could try!"Estee said slowly.

"Do you know how I'll feel when he or she will call me Uncle Zayn even if I'll give him all love a dad could give to his child? It hurts Estee! And you'll never stop thinking about Harry ever! I can't take it anymore!"I told her seeing her face flooding with tears. I was telling a fact here. I can't take care of a kid that wasn't mine, I just can't!

"Zayn you can at least try please!"Estee cried harder, Louis squeezed my hand tighter.

"No Estee, you choose either me or the baby! One!"I told her and she looked like I was the meanest person in the world.

"Zayn! The baby's the only piece of him I have left, I'm not killing it!"She said. The baby was Harry's last piece she's got, she was choosing an unborn baby over me! After all we've been through.

"That means we're done! I wish all the best for raising this baby yourself!"I said leaving the room. I was crying a lot now, I dated many girls before Estee but she was the one I was truly madly deeply in love with, I really loved her for her but I wasn't the one for her.

I ran to Harry's room to see his body one last time. I kissed his forehead like he was my friend before he fucked Estee. I wasnt angry at him, he always loved her , she loved /loves him, they made love, can't stop them!

"Rest in peace Harry, protect her and your baby from up there! She really loves you mate!So much!"I said and left to my house.


I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant of Harry's baby! What am I gonna do? I couldn't Zayn's mean words, how could he call my baby a thing? Baby was Hazzabear's child, definitely not a thing! How am I gonna raise a baby hy myself and my career later? Well I don't care of my career more than my baby. I cried so much in Louis' arms he was so nice not caring his shirt became wet because of my tears.

"Sshhh it's ok Estee, you can do this!"Louis told me hugging me.

"I'm gonna abort Lou, no other choice! I can't raise the child by myself!"I cried. He shook his head for no.

"Don't even think about it! Like you said to Zayn, this baby's the only piece of Harry you've got. It's his baby! You're gonna be a great mother and who said you'll be alone? El and I will be here, Liam,Nova,Niall and Karis! we're in this together!"Louis said and I started to smile very little.

He was right , what has gotten in my head? There was no way I was gonna abort my baby, I'm gonna raise him or her, spoil him or her as much as I want with all my love for him or her and for Harry! My Hazzabear!

If Zayn wants to leave, thats his loss!

"Thank you so much Boobear!"I told Louis and he smiled at me.

"Anything for you Esteebear, this is our bestfriend's baby and trust me I would love to hear this cute little thing calling me Uncle Louis. We'll tell him how amazing his daddy is!"Louis said and I started thinking about Harry.

Recovering will be very very hard, I have to live for my baby's sake. It was Harry's baby , I'll give all the love he ir she deserves and will tell him about his amazing daddy.

Finally,Louis helped me stand up and I ran to out of the room no bothering that my friends were there and continued running to Harry's room. Tears flooded from my eyes looking st his body. I came closer holding his hand in mine.

"Hazzabear!!!"I squealed! I miss him calling me Esteebear already!

"I'M pregnant of our baby and I'm gonna tell him or her about his wonderful daddy , the best BFF in the world, I'll always love you Harry forever!"I said keeping my lips on his kissing him even if he won't kiss back.

Everyone looked at me with tears in their eyes. Eleanor hugged me then the others.

"We're all here for you Estee, always!"Liam said.

"Excuse miss I didn't catch your name please?"Doctor came in. He didn't know my name? Hey hey hey good thing he didn't.

"Estee...Styles!"I said and they all smiled at me. The baby was Harry's and Harry is yes present tense the love of my life, I always wanted to be Estee Styles, only when I was small I thought as a sister but now I'll be known as Mrs Styles! I don't care if he was no more, he'll always be mine.

He'll always be my Hazzabear!

(A/N: What do you think?Yayy she's keeping the baby! )

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