Chapter 35

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"What would you do? What would you say?

How does it feel? Pretend it's OK

My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same

Pretend it's ok

I see the light that I'm chasing

A memory but it's fading

When it's gone I'll be waiting

Knowing it's too late (Knowing it's too late)

Chose the road that I'm walking

Now it's your soul that I'm caught in

And you're not hearing when I'm calling

Calling you name "-Little Mix


What the hell? What the hell just happened? This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life where I was to marry the girl I love so much. But she ran away from the church, next se called one of her friend's that she's going to the hospital with her BFF.

I was already shocked to see Harry lying there so motionless in that hospital bed. I killed me to see Estee crying like that, never seen her crying like that before, she could die out o breath. Harry was her bestfriend since forever, she grew up with all her life, he made her so happy all the time. Never seen two people so close to each other, friendship way.

But what hurt me the most was when i saw Estee's neck, there was some kind of mark there, not just a mark, it was the kind of mark you get when you kiss someone, no, have sex and the partner leaves love bites.

A hickey.

What the hell? Jeez I knew it! i fucking knew something happened and it fucking did! She slept with him! Last night! Seriously? Before our fucking wedding? Never thought Estee could be so cheap!

The look on Estee 's face when I asked her what was that fucking thing on her neck, her crying face was full of guilt and fear that I might hurt her. But me being Zayn Malik, I wouldn't hurt a girl,especially one whose bestfriend just died.

"Zayn, you don't--"Estee tried to say but suddently she became dizzy, she was in pain and just fell, before she reached the floor, Liam caught her. Estee passed out. I just stood there in shock, not knowing how to react. She cheated on me with her bestfriend, but I still love her and want to make her happy again.

I'm so fucking confused right now!

"Don't just stand there, call the doctor!"Karis told me and I went out lf the room calling the doctor.

"Doctor, Estee fainted please help us!"I said and I realised I was crying. I hope Estee will be ok. She was in too much shock and depression, her body couldn't take it. The doctor and I rished back to the room. Liam and I helped to carry Estee to another room.

"Might take the room next to, she'll want to be near Harry!"Niall said. He was right, soon as she'll wake up, I hope, Estee would want to go stay with her BFF. So we went to the next room on the left. We put Estee on the ned amd the doctors were checking on her, giving her air and all those stuffs. Doctor was checking her up and he had a shock on his face. Oh oh.

"She's gonna be fine, she was in too much shock and high depression so her body couldn't take it. But the fainting was caused by another reason"Doctor said an we were all relieved that Estee will be fine, But what was the problem?

"What is it doctor?"I asked her.

"She's pregnant!"Doctor said leaving the room. We all gasped in shock.

Worst day ever!

(A/N: Oh oh Estee's pregnant! It's obviously Harry's, I'm not an expert of pregnancy so bear with me ok :), what do you think will happen next? This story is almost over, I'm shortening the chapters so might get more chapters , this was the first story I started so felt a bit emotional that it's ending! Finally 1K reads!!! Thank you all so much, love you so much!!)

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