Chapter 27

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"Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun

I know we've only met

But let's pretend it's love

And never never never stop for anyone

Tonight let's get some

And Live While We're Young"-One Direction❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I drove to the coolest night club in LA. Estee was wearing the right dress for tonight, that tight black dress with top cut low. Woah means people are gonna drool over her and try her. I'm gonna have to protect her, I can't let any jerk hurt my Esteebear!

"Estee you sure you want to be here?"I asked her and she always had the cite smile on her face that I always loved.

"Sure, come on Harry let's dance!"She said dragging to the dance floor. I started thinking about prom when we were dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

I kept one hand on her waist the other holding her hand and she kept ket her hands on her chest, our eyes locked on each other dancing at the music. You might think we were on a waltz position right, well actually we were doing salsa tonight. Love Estee's moves, what a turn on!

What? Shut up Harry, she's engaged to Zayn! Turn on it seems, better watch my mouth!

As we were dancing, everyone looked at us, cheering, clapping...all looking at us, every move, everytime I spin her around. I loved it when Estee jumped wrapping her pretty legs around my waist, she was so beautiful.




"Aww just kiss already,"

I blushed when they wanted us to kiss, seriously? Won't they ever understand that Estee and I bestfriends and we're just having fun, just fun? You can't kiss your bestfriend man! What I'm saying this? I'm in love with her and I acting like I'm denying it! Great great!

Well I dont have a choice, she loves me like her bestfriend or her brother and she's happy that way. Let it be.

What I didn't expect was Estee getting down of me and kissing my cheek continously. You've heard of heavy makeout sessions that are mouth kisses right? Like that Estee never let go of my cheek and I loved it.Her arms around my neck and I caught her waist. We weren't drunk at all but anybody might think.

I hope Zayn will understand this was purely innocent. No matter what media makes up.

"Sexy moves you've got!"Estee said. I was shocked at her choice of words coming out of that pretty mouth.

"Did you drink without telling me Esteebear?"I asked her chuckling. She giggled.

"You get me one,"She pouted and I laughed as we sat at the high chairs near the bar counter.

"Two vodka please!"I asked the bartender who gave me a flirty look at me which I ignored I looked at Estee keeping my hand on her thights. Don't get me wrong, it was just for the bartender to back off.

"Right sir!"She said and gave two glasses for Estee and I. It was funny to see my bestfriend drinking, I would have thought she would ever drink. I guess this was her first time as she gave a disgusted after drinking her firt shot.

"You never drank vodka before?"I asked her and she shook her head for no cutely.

"I only drank wine before! This is my first time ever...and I'm enjoying it with you!"She said happily. I laughed , why was she so cute and can't be mine?

"You want to stop?"I asked her in case she was uncomfortable. But instead se always managed to surprise me.

"One more please!" No two for Harry too!"She asked the bartender, she took another shot then kept on asking for more. We started cracking jokes and laughing. Estee and I were so drunk and wasted. What was the worst was the dirty words coming out of her mouth, those words she'll never say if she was not drunk.

"I don't like Zayn so much sometime!"She said and some vodka spilled from my mouth. What did she say? She meant it or she was drunk?

"What?"I asked her.

"Sometimes, I need more, I feel like something 's missing!"Estee said. Ok she is drunk! But I wish she wasn't and say she wants me.

"Estee, Zayn really loves you, why do you think he doesn't?"I told her, I think it was time to talk to her about Zayn. When she's drunk! Come on Harry!

"Really?He's not like you Harry!Noone is so sweet like you, sometimes when I kiss him, I see you!"Estee said increasing her tone.

What have I done? Estee's too drunk! But what she said, drunk or not, that really warmed my heart. When she kissed him she sees me?

"Estee you're drunk, let's go home!"I told her grabbing her arm and she somehow listened to me, I wrapped my arm around her body scared that she 'll collapse and got her safely in the car. I drove fast to hers and Zayn's appartment.

"Harry...I love you, you're the best bestfriend anyone could ever have, I love Zayn so much but I'll always need in my life you won't leave me right?"Estee asked me, I could tell she was calming down. I smiled at her.

"I love you too Esteebear, you'll always be my Esteebear, I'll always be there for you no matter what. Zayn told me that he's sometimes sad that you don't show your love for him, like you're in your thoughts or something. I know you love him but show it you know! Feel free with him like you are with me!"I told her and she nodded.

"You're the best Hazzabear!"She said and I stopped the car as we reacher her place.

"Oh guess what?"I told her before she got out of the car.

"What?"She asked me. I smiled at her.

"Zayn made me his best man and I'll walk you down the aiske at the wedding. Good night Esteebear!"I told her and she was jawdropped excited hugging me. I always got butterflies everytime with her.

"Aww that's awesome, love you so much Hazzabear good night!"She said and ran happily to her appartment. I drove back to our tour bus and I sW was asleep. Thank god, they won't teasee tonight. I changed into a white shirt and removed my pants and I was in my shirt and boxers and I slept so well. I dreamt of how Estee and I danced in the club, just us doing that hot dance.

I wish she was mine!

Aww shut up Harry!

You're walking her down the aisle for her wedding with Zayn! Get over it!

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