Chapter 1

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I wake up on my bed of leaves, under the beautiful canopy of oak trees. I lived miles away from any of the packs, living off all the wild plants and animals. I lived way out because I didn't want to be confronted by other rogues or pack warriors. I ran away from my pack when I was seven. I was the weakest of all the omegas in my pack. I was a disgrace to my pack, my family and myself.

I was beaten and abused often in my pack. But what really made me leave was when I was almost killed, the reason I am mute. But out her being mute doesn't matter, there is no one to talk to anyways. But I'm happy out here in the open. I'm free.

I walk towards the small stream that flows by my camp site. It had good drinking water and I came down here every morning to refill my two canteens with cool and fresh drinking water. Even though I was young I was not stupid enough to run away without essentials. I had a torn back pack, two canteens, a tattered blanket, and the necklace my aunt gave me before she died.

My aunt Kathy was the only person who ever cared about me. She would always treat my wounds after a beating. She always did the best she could to protect me, a hard thing to do when your the most targeted omega in the pack. She died protecting me and I will never forgive myself for her death. I know it was all my fault. I was weak, ugly, and unloved by everyone, except for my aunt. My aunt gave me hope. But then I lost her, was almost killed, then ran away and became a rogue. But that was years ago. Today, I turn eighteen. But I don't plan on ever finding my mate. He would just reject me anyways because I am ugly and I'm worthless.

I know he would think I'm ugly because I was. I had thin brown hair, dull forest green eyes, no curves, and scars all over my body. But I was tan from spending every day out in the hot sun. I know how I looked now because I could see my reflection in the river. Even it reminded my how ugly, weak, and worthless I am, and it does every single day. I had okay clothes though. I had a pair of jean shorts that were a little big and an orange shirt sleeve shirt.

I look at my reflection once more before I leave the river. Seeing how tangled and knotted my brown hair is I decide to brush through it a little bit with my fingers. I then put my two canteens back in my backpack and set it on a rock by the bank. I then strip off my clothes and jump into the stream wetting my hair and scrubbing as much dirt off as quickly as I could. The cold water came up to my neck where I was standing in the middle.

After scrubbing my skin the best I could I walk back up the river bank and squeeze my hair out before putting my clothes back on. Hearing my stomach growl I decide to take the mile and a half walk to the three tall apple trees that grow in the clearing. It is a little to close to a pack for my liking but it is my only source of food besides the blackberry and blueberry bushes.

I don't have the best diet because I refuse to shift into my wolf. It would make it easier for rogues and pack warriors to find and kill me. I finally reach the clearing with the three apple trees. I tighten my grip on my pack before climbing the tree to pick a few ripe apples.

After about thirty minutes of finding apples that bugs hadn't gotten to and that were ripe I started to smell a delicious scent that made my mouth water. I looked through the thick branches and leaves to see three guys in the clearing. You could practically feel the power radiating off of them. I knew they had to be the gamma, beta, and alpha of a pack. I stand still in the tree doing my best to stay quiet and still. But as soon as all three of them look at the part of the tree I'm hiding in, I make a run for it.

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