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So I've done it again, taken on something new. Anyway, this is something completely new that popped in my head and that I think is fun because I can play with my imagination and the absurd to the extreme. Let me know what you think!


I should have listened to my mother all those years ago about gambling. Hell, all it ever did was get me trouble! Even when I was winning I ended up getting screwed someway or another. I have to admit, I really did it this time! That's what I get for gambling against an Andalusian Prince!

I'm Roarke Bellechasse, Captain of the Iron Maiden, sleekest ship to sail the galaxies! Made my name fighting the Great War, earned a Medal of Honor for having helped defeat the Cronations, and known far and wide as a rake, daredevil and man to never be trifled with.

And this?! This will not help one damn bit I swear! How the hell was I suppose to know? The man said he'd bet me his Sapphire. I'm imagining a big blue rock worth a pretty penny in Unicredits...

Christ, I'm a dumbass...

Two Hours Earlier - Sheabourne Tavern, Port of Astoria in the Benelux Galaxy

"Seems to me Prince Shakir that you ain't got any more Unicredits to bet with. I cleaned you out your Highness." I said with a self-satisfied grin as I sat back and sipped my ale. The young Andalusian Prince had a pout to make a wee kid proud. In fact, he wasn't much older than a kid either at a whopping seventeen.

"I will not lose! I do not lose! No Prince of Andalusia bows down!" he yelled, pounding his fist on the table and overturning his costly crystal decanter like the spoiled child he was.

"Sorry your highness, but according to your councilor, you have nothing left to bet." I pushed back from the table, gathering my winning's and preparing to depart.

"Wait! One last round...all or nothing!" he said desperately as he grasped my wrist like a drowning man.

"You have nothing left to bet!" I said, completely exasperated.

"Not true! I have my father's gift to me..."

"But Sire!" his councilor cut him off, panicking. I quirked an eyebrow at this. He had my attention. Must be a pretty damn good gift to get the councilor in a snit.

"Silence! I am Prince here and I will do as I please!" he yelled while holding an imperial hand out. "Do we have a deal Captain?" he asked me.

"Well all depends now doesn't it. What is this fancy gift your good old Dad gave you?" I sat back down and leaned forward, getting ready to gauge weather or not this was a good deal.

"I'll bet my Sapphire...A Royal gift and privilege." he said, inching forward and imparting the last on a whisper as if he was divulging state secrets.

A sapphire huh? I thought to myself. Must be a pretty damn big rock to if it's considered a Royal rock. It would probably bring in quite a sum as well, being a royal privilege and all. What? So sue me...I like money. What else was a pirate suppose to be into?!

Don't look at me like that! The Universe is a big place and War Hero or not, there ain't that many jobs for a man of my skills and I gotta find a way to eat too you know.

Sides, pirating is a secret thrill. Adventure on the high stars! And I'm more of a Robin Hoodish type of Pirate. I don't take from anyone that doesn't deserve it or can't afford it and I always make sure to spread the love and my ill gotten gain.

It works for me and that's all that matters.

Anyways, getting back to this game and the sapphire.

"Your on! All or nothing!" I yelled, pushing my pot back to the middle.

It was a close game...well sort of. Ok not really. He had a Jack and a ten and I had a Royal Flush.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you your Highness. We will have to do this again!" I said charmingly, shoving my Unicredits into my purse. "Might I ask when I'll be receiving the rest of my payment?"

"I'll have my Sapphire delivered to your ship within the next few hours." he said sullenly before he stormed out.

"Sore loser I guess." I commented to some stranger who was passing by. " Hey Betty! Can I get another Ale!"

Pesent - In the Cargo hold of the Iron Maiden FleetStar

"Well I'll be damned. What the hell is this?" I yelled at my Steward, Jockie.

"It's the delivery from the Andalusian Prince Captain!" he answered nervously, answering my yell.

"He said it was a damn sapphire! I was expecting a rock! A big blue shiny Rock! Not this! What the hell am I suppose to do with this!" I yelled, waving my hands erratically in the air.

"I take it you are displeased with his Highness' gift?" Said the hottest voice I had ever been blessed to hear. I turned slowly towards it.

Standing in front of me was some kind of sultry vision right out of 'I Dream of Jeanie'. The woman had thick, lush black hair that waved gently to the base of her back. Her very bare and gracefully curved back. She was dressed in a sapphire blue shietoya, an Andalusian garment that marked her as a Slave. It was meant to cover very little and entice a whole lot and was currently displaying her generous breast and full hips marvelously. It was trimmed in gold, a sign of Royal Property. It looked pretty much like Jasmine's get up from that old Classic Alladin...except way more shear. And hotter.

And her eyes...They were Golden yellow and mesmerizing, framed by the thickest black lashes ever.

I swallowed hard.

"Listen sweetheart, you're gorgeous and all...but your not a rock. I was expecting a damn Sapphire not a Slave!" I turned away from the stunning beauty in my ships hold and addressed Jockie.

"Contact the Prince's councilor and tell him to pick up his delivery and bring the actual Sapphire." I turned to leave the hold only to be halted by that sultry voice again.

"I am Sapphire." she said simply.

I turned and stared at her. She stared back, quite directly. It was almost disconcerting. Weren't royal concubine's and slaves suppose to be subservient?

"I beg your pardon?" I asked stupidly, eyes wide. I so wasn't liking were this was going.

She took a step forward and lowered herself down to one knee, her head bowed down so that only the crown was visible. She lifted both arms up, palms open and raised in supplication.

"I am Sapphire, the Prince's Royal Sharantaye, now gifted to you, Captain Beauchamp. To refuse me would be to insult all of the Royal Hayruki's of Andalusia"

I gawked at her with my mouth wide open in shock.

"Well I'll be damned..." mumbled Jockie.

"Damned indeed.." i mumbled to myself.

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