"The Fight"

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With Sympathetic stares from teachers and students I went through my day when I heard everyone chanting fight outside.
I pushed through the crowd.

"Punch him already!" Patty screamed I had enough of her, I hated her.
I wasn't letting her mess up our lives anymore "Patty, Patty is a fatty! Has a face just like a ratty!" I began to chant like in kindergarten everyone laughed she yelled "You Elmo little two timing weasel no one even likes you! You have no friends!" She yelled stepping closer and closer to me but I wasn't having it.
"And the only reason anyone likes you is because they feel bad for you! Because you're dying!" She screamed everyone froze and everyone stopped and stared at us.

Oh hell no. I was not gonna let her get away with that!!!
Everything turned red I grabbed her pigtails and wrapped my fist in them slamming her face down onto my knee. Everyone gasped.
She fell onto the ground her braces were stuck to the joggers I had wore he blood getting on my gray pants I kneed her again in the face her face finally coming off my pants "Don't you ever say that! No one even likes you! You're an evil self centered, spoiled brat!" I yelled she held her nose when a loud Truck pulled up
"Everyone scat or I'll bust you too" The tall boy with braces said everyone scattered but I stayed I had blood all over my knee.

"Excuse me! But I said scat!" "No!
I'm done being bossed around by people who think they're better than everyone! I'm done!" I yelled he was taken back.

The friends held my bestfriends.
My blood boiled. I took a deep breath.
I opened my eyes up again they were darker than before I was beyond angry. You can try and hold me back all you want but my bestfriends were untouchable and off limits.
"Let then go!" "No! Do you see what they did to my truck! They have to pay!" He said my eye twitched "you're in high school for god sake! We're in middle school! 6th grade you stupid! You can get a job and pay for it!" I said angrily I ran to the boy hitting him in the face but he just threw me to the ground.

My head hit the ground hard. My vision was fuzzy. "Hey! Get away from here!" I barely heard.
Everyone rushed out.
But I lay on the dirty ground my body feeling numb and my chest getting heavy. My breathing was almost gone.

It started in my toes. I felt paralyzed I couldn't move.

I could my eyes getting heavy, my heart beat slowing almost to a stop. It was like an infection. Starting at the bottom and it spread on its own.
I let out a sigh when someone was yelling to run to the office to call an ambulance.
I knew I'd be on my last breath when they showed up.

Rowley and Greg ran over I tried focusing on them "I...I love...love you g-guys" I whispered gasping for air inbetween words "save your breath, Anna" the mot breaths I took the more hard it had become.
My breath slowed as I stared into the blue sky.

I could feel my heart slowly stopping.
My breathe got caught in my throat and everything stopped.

~Third Persons POV~

Everything was like slow motion the boys sitting next to their bestfriend crying as they watched her take her last breath. The coach, ran and got the Defibrillator. "Greg I need you to push down and pump her chest like we went over on the dolls, okay? And Rowley check her breathing, I'm not letting my niece die" The boys were taken back but quickly did as they were told crying while doing so.
In the distance they could hear the ambulance.
"She's breathing!" Rowley said Coach put his ear to her chest "she has a pulse but it's faint" he said the ambulance pulled into the court and put the limp girl onto the stretcher but Rowley and Greg wanted to go.

"Please let us go" they begged and the ambulance gave in moving around making sure she didn't stop breathing.

"Here call your family and have them come tot he hospital okay? You guys are just kids, this shouldn't be happening" the man said to the two boys crying.
Gregg dialed for everyone to go to the hospital.
They seemed worried but knew their son would soon explain.
The bestfriends could only pray.
That's all they could do.

Finally after making it to the hospital, and getting her into a room they waited, and they waited the whole family bursting in and freaking out asking questions one after another sometimes 3 in 1 sentence.

Rodrick couldn't talk. He could barely listen. Only focusing on what happened to her and who did it.
He was gonna kill the dweebs that did this to the love of his life.
There was a Knock making everyone look at the door. And there stood the doctor with a sad face.

"We have terrible news." The doctor sighed looking down.

The family knew that what the doctor was about to tell them would hurt them in the worst way possible.

They were scared to find out if they didn't want to admit it.

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now