Christmas and The Blood

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"in a crowd of the whole world, after fighting so hard. you'd be the face id find, and the arms i'll fall into"

anna sat in the snow while Greg And Rowley talked. she had on a lace Maroon looking dress with a fluffy jacket and snow boots on.

"You look sick Annabelle" Rowley said " i'm Fine Rowl's" she smiled, even though she had felt sick in bed all night, the coughing up blood part was her least favorite part, that and the stomach pains. she hasn't felt good since she started hiding her dads monthly payments, putting them in the picture frame behind the pictures.

she hadnt been going for checkups on the regular like she's supposed to.
her stomach felt full, but like she was being punched.

she didn't want to say anything, she didn't want to bother anyone. she knew everyone was having fun, playing in the snow.
the snow. everyone was enjoying this holiday and she couldn't be the reason they didn't.

it was so bright, it started to burn her eyes.
her face started feeling like it was on fire, as if her body temperature just shot through the roof, she began to sweat.
"Okay"he smiled back. anna took a deep breath.

she felt sick, before she knew it, she was throwing up all over the snow
when she looked down, the pure white snow was turned red, it was dark.
the snow was covered in the crimson color, anna grabbed her stomach for spitting up more blood.
she wiped her chin and had blood on her hand, she turned around to look at Rodrick who was at his van, reaching out to him.

"Ann-" she fell to the ground. "Mom! Dad! Rodrick!" Greg screamed running towards his house he kept yelling for them. anna was laying in her own blood.
Blood running down her cheek, she couldn't stop coughing up more. there was no stopping this. she knew this would start to happen. she just didn't know when it'd all start, and it's sooner than later. she knew there was no more hiding her secret from the heffleys.

as her mind ran with thoughts, the more it felt like her chest was filling up with blood. she couldn't help but imagine her bestfriends reactions to seeing her laid out in her own blood.

It was getting hard to breathe when she seen the Heffleys running toward her. Mr. Heffley picked anna up.
tears filled their eyes as the put her in the back seat, Rodrick was the first one with hands on her, trying to keep her breathing.

They kept wiping up the blood. she was being rushed to the emergency room, Rodrick was hyperventilating. he was a mess, seeing her like this. they didn't understand what was going on, they didn't know anything.
she hadn't let them know a thing.
she lead them around in the dark, until now. by not having any other choice.

"Shhhh don't fall asleep" anna spit
blood into rodricks hands, as they had made it to the Hospital.
anna passed out as everyone walked next to the Carrier.

she woke up in a white room, no memeory if what happened. she felt sore, her throat still burned.
"What...what happened?" They looked at her with sad eyes

"Anna...honey your liver has cists on it and the cist popped and so they had to do immediate surgery. And cut out 1/3 of your liver"
"That's why i was bleeding. But they did surgery without my content"

"you were choking on your own blood Annabelle" Rowley said "I'm sorry you guys had to see that"
"It doesn't matter as long as you're okay" Greg said "Okay well Rodrick since you are closer in age will you stay with her?" He nodded.

They said their goodbyes to anna.
Greg had never hugged anna so tight before, he hadn't thought about how much his bestfriends really meant to him, and how much it really meant if they weren't around anymore.

Rowell had never seen anything bad happen to someone he loves, and today he watched it first hand. he had to watch his own bestfriend almost choke on her own blood, and he hugged anna like her never done before.
the love he put into the hug, the whole room could feel it, and hear it, he had been crying like a baby the whole time.

Mr and Mrs. Heffley gave anna a quick but loving hug before they left the hospital
"feel better anna" they all said before shutting the door

"I was so scared" rodrick said a little bit above a whisper
"Me too" she sighed
"No when i was holding kept coughing up blood onto yourself and on me" she looked at him, tears filled his brown eyes

"I'm so sorry Rodrick" he shouldn't have had to experience that, he shouldn't have seen it. it's not her fault shes sick. but it's time she tell him
"I made you have to witness that"
"As long as you're okay and don't tell anyone you seen me cry"
she didn't know how to come out and say it, she didn't know how how to tell him without breaking his heart.
"I won't" she laughed
he smiled at her

Anna started getting sleepy,
"You should get some rest okay?" she nodded. she stared at Rodrick as he tried to get comfortable in the chair

"Rodrick will you lay with me?" he nodded getting up, she scooted over with his help of course and he slid onto the hospital bed. she laid her head on his shoulder
"rodrick. you know i'm sick right?" she sighed
"like take medicine and be okay sick or?"
"like i have to get treatments that cost too much, or a surgery that cost more than our lives put together. and i stopped doing treatments, and we can't afford the surgery"
rodrick sat up, making anna wince in pain.

"what do you mean you stopped treatment? why would you do that? who in their right mind wants to just. die." his last words came out as a whisper. her heart felt heavy, she knew this was gonna weigh on him a lot

"we went broke, r. i couldn't help but feel horrible for being the reason my dad goes broke when we could be swimming in the cash and enjoying these last days that i have. i don't wanna die cooped up, sick and in treatment. when i could be soaring above the stars, or jumping out of planes. something much more fun than being drained and exhausted all the time.." she continued "..please rodrick. can we talk about it tomorrow and for now, just lay here with eachother. please." she begged

he laid down pulling her in closer than before
he kissed her head.
"Goodnight" she whispered

this is just a filler, cause i was bored ❤️

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang