c u a r e n t a i o c h o

Start from the beginning

That's not important though. Hoseok held the light of my life, the sun to my earth, giving off feeding rays of sunshine. He holds the upmost importance so I don't have time to deal with a nosy old lady.

My legs carry me to the front of the building, past the buses and down the busy streets of Korea to find Hobi. I need to get to him soon. Say I'm sorry, say anything so he doesn't put this all on himself. He's the type of person to put all the weight on his shoulders just so others don't feel hardship. "Hoseok!" My mouth moves on it's own, my hands equally independent as they bang on his apartment door. "Open up, it's me!" Giant gulps of air are taken as I knock, waiting for him. "Hobi!"

"Yes?" The door has a slight creak indicating a sliver of the perfection that is my own boyfriend. "Taehyung, what're you-" I push the door open, slamming it behind me and grabbing the sides of his cheek.

"Do you know how much I missed you today?" My lips smash against his, my tears exerting as much emotion as I feel. All of the hatred I endered today: the taunting, physical abuse, the shunning, all of my tender thoughts on my day is poured into the kiss. "I missed you so fucking much." His cheeks brighten, pants loud enough to be heard, his forehead resting against mine. He smiles, his hand reaching up to caress my cheek. One thought crossed my mind, the one that was begging to be heard. However, his chocolate eyes claimed me once again, as if I had a choice. I have to tell Hoseok. "They know."

"They know." Hoseok and I blurt out at the same time.

"T-Tell me what happened." I honestly don't want to know but I have to know what I'm fighting against.

"Don't worry about it Taehyung." He smiles, pecking my lips once more. "It will all be over soon." He sighs, walking towards his kitchen in slow, rugged movements. "Everything will go away and we can be happy."

He opens the cabinet, pulling out a mug for some scotch. "What do you mean..." This new Hoseok was scaring me, the outside seems as happy as usual but I knew his inner thoughts and feelings were betraying him right now.

"I no longer work at the school Tae. Your parents can no longer press charges against them and I'll go to court all by myself..." He pauses, sipping the alcohol in 2 seconds.

"No! Hobi there has to be another way! I'm going to see them, talk them out of it, ok?" He smiles again, pouring more of the sinful brown liquid.

Even though Hobi was in bad shape, I had to reach out to my parents, show them that this was all a mistake. The last thing I hear before I run out the door again breaks my heart just a little more. "Good luck Taehyung."

"Mom? Dad? You home?" I threw my bookbag on the couch, running into the home office. "Anyone here?" The door creaks as I push it open, my parents chatting quietly in front of the mess of papers on the desk. I cough loudly, interrupting their conversation. "Mom. Dad. I-"

"Honey! You're home! I'm glad you're here." Huh? She smiles wide, the faint impression of the Cheshire cat appears in my head.

"We've got a lot to talk about kiddo." Are these even my parents? The same ones that constantly ignore me for their job? The ones that only talk about their cases at the dinner table and never bother to see how I'm doing?

"Damn right we do." My tone frightened them, even if it was just for a second, I saw their surprise before they composed their fake form once again. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I am not going to be their obedient son anymore, always following orders to the 'respectable lawyers our city has'.

"What do you mean?" My mom's silky smooth voice held a vindictive, poisonous underlayer.

"You know exactly what I mean! How could you press charges against Hoseok when I never even told you anything about him! You're so stupid to believe rumors!" My dad chuckles, standing up from his seat.

"Rumours? You can't honestly believe we'd fall for that at this point do you?"

My breathing becomes labored, hatred coursing through my veins. "Fine. But it doesn't matter because everything has been consemptual and he didn't kidnap me!"

"Oh honey." My mom pouts standing up from her chair and pinches my cheeks. "Of course you'd believe that, my naive boy." I scoff, pushing away her hands. If they knew what I did before Hoseok...

"I'm not naive mom, I love him and he loves me."

Now it was their turn to scoff, arms crossed over their chests. "You can't love him, you're not gay." She states, acting like it's the simplest thing in the world. "Does he drug you when you're together? Have you become dependent on him?" She opens my eyelids with her bony fingers, checking my body as if she was a doctor.

"Get off! It's nothing like that! And yes mom, your son is gay and you have no power over that. And to think you should be more open seeing as how you both are civil rights lawyers."

"You're. Not. Gay." My mother growls, the redness in her eyes finally shine through her masked emotions.

"Yes. I. Am. I am in love with Jung Hoseok and you need to accept it! It was my fault for not letting you know about our relationship earlier but this isn't the way to punish me or him, it is so much more than us..." They stay silent, my confession must have finally sunk in. "Hoseok loves to teach, devoting his life to it but because of you he got fired from his job so you don't need to press charges against the school-"

"Fired?" Dad interrupts. Mom looks at dad, both giving each other a knowing look.


"That wasn't the deal..."

"What deal?" They shift back into their seats, holding hands.

"The deal we told the Principal was that he either quits and we do this quietly or he stays and fights, making this whole ordeal newsworthy."

"Hoseok... He-" He gave up his job?

My chapters are getting longer~

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