Chapter 1: Flowey

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I wake up to see nothing but, Flowers? Looks like we fell down a long way. Wait, where is Frisk? I had realized I had been laying down and when I looked up, I saw frisk. I was laying in her lap. My cheeks immediately turned red.

"F-Frisk?" I said.

"Oh! (Y/N) your awake!" Frisk responded with a little bit of red cheeks.

"Seems so."

"You hurt at all from the fall (Y/N)"

"Nope, you?"

"No." She says.

I got up and Frisk did too. We started to walk towards a gate. We walk through it and see a flower in the middle of the room.

"Howdy! I'm flowey! Flowey the Flower!" It said. "You're new to the underground aren't ya? Golly you must me so confused. I guess little ol me will have to show you how things work down here."

Then it went all black, two little hearts came up and four options came up in front of us, Fight, Act, Item, and Mercy.

"see those souls?" Flowey started. "They are your souls. They start off weak but can grow stronger if you gain a lot of LOVE! Do you want some love? Here, LOVE is shared through little white.. 'friendliness pellets'. Move around get as many as you can."

Just then his so called 'friendliness pellets' were coming toward us. I moved out of the way but Frisk stayed there and got his. Her HP dropped from 20 to 1.

"You idiot!" Flowey said. "In this world, its KILL or be KILLED!"

Then a bunch of pellets surrounded Frisk's soul and started to get closer to her but then it stopped. Flowey looked confused and a fire ball came out of nowhere and hit him. But then I heard a strange voice. It sounded human but I wasn't sure. Frisk didn't hear it through.

Time stopped, everyone, the air, everything. Except for me.


"Who's there?" I said.

"You... don't have... time..."

Souls in Love (Female! Frisk x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now