🍃Chapter Twenty-Six🍃OVA 1: Truth or Dare🍃

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"Truth or Dare?"


"Truth or Dare?"

"Cindy, seriously. I need to get this paperwork done by tomorrow."

"Aww, c'mon! Just one question?"

"UGH! Fine!" I slammed down the sheet of paper I had been holding in annoyance, "Truth!"

"Okay... Hmm... Lemme think..."

I sat there, impatiently staring at Cindy, whose face was scrunched up in thought.

"Cindy, I swear to-" I began. She held up a finger to cut me off.

"I had a really good dare, but you chose truth!" She complained before returning to her thinking. I sighed grumpily and waited some more. After three whole minutes of waiting, I threw up my hands.

"Fine! Ask the stupid dare!" I snapped.

"I would..." Cindy said slowly, "But I forgot it."

I rubbed my temples and turned back to the stack of official-looking papers piled on the table.

"It's more fun with more people," Cindy moaned, flopping dramatically across the table.

"What are you suggesting, and can you do it elsewhere?" I grumbled.

"We should have a whole guild Truth or Dare game!" The fire mage suggested excitedly. Without waiting for my reply, she dashed off screaming; "TRUTH OR DARE GAME IN THE GUILD HALL AT FIVE O'CLOCK SHARP, BE THERE! I'LL GO BUY SOME TREATS!"

I stared after her in disbelief, then practically attacked the paperwork in a wild attempt to get it all done before five p.m.

"That felt like it took forever..." I groaned, sweeping all the paperwork into a messy pile.

"Now we can finally start playing Truth or Dare!" Cindy cheered. She tossed the fluffy pillows onto the floor in a circle fashion. My guild-mates settled down onto them.

"Welcome," Cindy announced, "To Truth or Dare! You all know the rules. Let's play! Gryfin, you start!"

Gryfin sat up straighter, "Er, Aren! Truth or Dare?"

Aren shrugged, "I dunno, Dare?"

"I dare you to... Uh... Hug Mikami!"

Aren death-glared the Earth mage. Mikami looked like she was both happy and at the point of ripping Gryfin's head off at this dare.

"Go on~" Cindy smirked evilly, "Cuddle up, lovebirds!"

Kasai and I exchanged amused glances as Aren quickly hugged Mikami. Both were blushing furiously when they pulled away.

"Right. My turn," Aren huffed, "Cindy. Truth or Dare?"

Cindy straightened up.

"Dare!" She replied excitedly.

"Right. I dare you to do a front flip off this table," Aren said immediately. Cindy raised her eyebrows and clambered up onto the table. Owan edged away, as he was sitting right in the line of fire. Cindy launched off the table, and did a clumsy frontsault onto a pillow. She raised her fist in triumph.

"I did it! Anyway, hmm... Kasai! Truth or Dare?"

"Truth, thanks."

Cindy's face lapsed into her 'shipping smile', "Ooh, Kasai~ Who do you like~?"

Kasai face-palmed, "I've changed my mind," he said, "Can I have a dare?"

"Alright!" Cindy crowed, "I dare you to answer the question!"

Kasai sighed, then finally mumbled, "A person."

Cindy started to protest that he technically hadn't answered properly, but Kasai cut across her.

"Yeah, yeah... Owan, truth or dare?" The lightning mage said loudly. I shot a sidelong glance at Cindy. She was pouting.

"Dare, I guess..." Owan replied, leaning back on his cushion.

"I dare you to... Let's see... Go into town and tell a random person that Giant Caterpillars are invading," Kasai mused. Owan sighed, but got up all the same and made his way out of the Guild Hall.

"I actually want to see this!" Mikami snickered.

"Yeah," I agreed. The pair of us ran after Owan. We stealthily followed him into the town, hiding behind dust bins. We watched, trying hold in our giggles as Owan reluctantly approached a middle-aged woman at a fruit stall.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I heard Owan ask as Mikami and I edged closer, now using a stack of boxes as a shield.

"How can I help you, young man?" The woman asked with a kind smile. Owan sighed.

"The Giant Caterpillars are going to invade and steal all the town's strawberries," he said. Mikami and I doubled over laughing.

"How he kept a poker face throughout all of that, I don't know!" I whispered as we sprinted back down the path to the guild hall.

"Did he really do it?" Gryfin asked eagerly as Mikami and I rushed back inside. I nodded, still trying not to laugh as Owan wandered back in, looking slightly embarrassed. He flopped down on his pillow like nothing had happened.

"Lillie, truth or dare?" He said. I paused to consider.

"Truth!" I decided.

Owan glared slightly at me, "Did you and Mikami follow me to watch what happened?"

"Wait, you saw us?" I asked, surprised. And I thought we had been stealthy...

"No, but thanks for answering the question!" Owan smirked. I threw a spare pillow at him.

"Moving on! Cindy! Truth or dare?" I turned to the fire mage.

"Dare!" She cheered.

"I dare you to do my next set of paperwork, since you interrupted me today," I challenged. Cindy eyed me.

"Challenge accepted!"

I nodded happily.

"Now... Truth or dare, Gryf'?" Cindy flicked her gaze to Gryfin.

"Truth," came the reply.

"Which do you better? Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?" Cindy yawned.

Gryfin thought for a moment, "I'm going to have to go with chocolate ice cream..."

The room lapsed into silence, broken when Cindy told Gryfin that it was, in fact, his turn.

"Oh! Right! Sorry!" He flustered, "Uhm, Mikami! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Mikami responded immediately, throwing several air punches.

"I dare you to have a pillow fight with Owan!" Gryfin dared.

"Pillow fight?" I perked up as Mikami lunged at Owan with a pillow, "Count me in!"

The others soon joined in after that. It ended up being Kasai, Gryfin and Owan VS Cindy, Mikami and I while Aren took out his drawing pad instead of participating.

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