🍃Chapter Ten🍃Team Hailstorm🍃

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I slowly opened my eyes. The bright sky above was completely obscured by clouds, dark as the night, and small fires seemed to be burning every few feet. I grimaced and sat up, shoving debris roughly away. A low groan sounded behind me. Slowly, I turned to see Chelia on her knees, staring around the scene, horror dancing in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" I gasped, suddenly alert.

"I think so... What about you?" The Lamia Scale mage murmured.

"I'm fine..."

I sat bolt upright, "Where's everyone else?!"

Chelia stared at me in disbelief, "Don't tell me we got separated from them!"

I scrambled to my feet and scanned the rubble, desperate for any sign of life. Apart from the fires, there was nothing.

"Looks like you guys are okay."

I spun around, startled. Three people had just climbed over the remains of what looked like a wall, accompanied by two flying... Cats? Chelia and I hurried over to them.

"What happened?" I demanded. The guy who had spoken before shook his head.

"I don't know. But all the mages have been split up. We did hear signs of fighting a bit earlier, but I decided to continue looking for survivors."

I clenched my fists, "I can't stand not knowing what happened to my guild-mates..! I'm supposed to protect them!"

"Trust me, I feel the same way," the guy said solemnly, "But right now, we have to work together. I'm Sting Eucliffe, Master of the Sabertooth guild." He told me.

"Lillie Myst, Master of Crimson Illusion," I greeted him. Sting grinned slightly and turned to his companions.

"See, Lector? I'm not the only young Guild Master out there!"

The dark red cat sighed, "Yeah, yeah, rub it in, why don't you?"

"Anyway," Sting pointed at the other mages, "These two are from Fairy Tail. Their names are Gray and Juvia."

"Hi," I nodded at them. Gray returned my nod, and Juvia tried to give me a faint smile. For some odd reason, Gray was shirtless.

The second cat, who was bright blue, flapped down and sat on my head.

"I'm Happy!" He said, "And my wings are tired, so can you carry me?"

Chelia sweat-dropped as the cat slid down into my arms.

"Let's head out," Sting suggested, "We have to find out just what the hell is going on."

We hiked through the debris littered town. The occasional civilian ran past us, calling out or carrying supplies. As we walked, I sent out a quick telepathic message to my guild-mates, wherever they might be.

"Hey, you guys, it's Lillie. I currently have no idea what the heck is going on, but I've met up with some other guild's mages. I hope you guys have done the same. Stick with a group. Whatever the situation, stay strong, stay safe. See you after all this is over."

"The palace should be just around... Holy crap..." Gray's voice trailed off. I peered around him. A giant building, which had probably once been beautiful, was now barely standing. The walls were burnt in places, and massive chunks were actually missing in places from the overall structure.

"Come on," Sting strode quickly across to the twisted doors, and slipped inside. I followed him in- Chelia, Gray and Juvia behind me. The room we had entered was well-lit, and a small group of people stood together at the far end of the hall. Then straightened when they heard the echoing thumps of our footsteps, and hurried to greet us. I recognised one of the people as Master Makarov, Master of the Fairy Tail Guild.

Chelia leant over to whisper in my ear, "The short man next to Makarov is the King himself, the green-haired girl behind them is Princess Hisui, the man on Makarov's other side is Bob, Master of Blue Pegasus, and the other girl is Mavis Vermillion, Fairy Tail's first master!"
(A\N: For those of you who read the manga, you would know Mavis got her actual body back, and I'm going to just ignore the fact that she actually died shortly after that... *insert hysterical sobbing in the Emo corner* So... She's still in this. For those who don't read the manga or aren't up to that part yet...sorry, I just spoiled it lol)

"Gramps, what the hell is going on?!" Gray burst out.

"It appears the city of Crocus is under attack," Makarov replied gravely.

"Yeah, but under attack from who?" Sting demanded.

"We have received information that a previously unknown... No. Hidden. A previously hidden dark wizard guild has allied themselves with a whole host of demons and monsters," The Princess explained quietly.

"We need all available wizards to fight..." The King growled, "To drive these monsters away from the evacuating civilians."

"Mavis here will telepathically be giving you instructions from time to time, like where you should head to next," Makarov said. Mavis stepped forward, determination glinting in her green eyes.

"Your first destination is just south of the palace. Head down to the large park and defeat the Monsters there. Your team name is 'Team Hailstorm'. Good luck."

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