🍃Chapter Eleven🍃The War Begins🍃

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"Any battle plan?!" I panted as we ran down the ruined streets.

"Nope!" Chorused Sting, Gray and Chelia.


I shot a confused glance at Juvia, but she had focused on something ahead of us.

Several large creatures were stomping around the large park. They were all taller than the trees, and five pairs of eyes glowed blood-red.

"What are those things?!" Chelia yelled. Her voice sounded more high-pitched than usual.

"Giant Wyverns!" Sting called back immediately, "I read about them in a book!"

"Giant Wyverns?! I thought they were extinct!" I shrieked.

"Well apparently they aren't!" Gray bellowed. The two exceeds flashed down and grabbed Sting and I. Sting and Lector, having flown (and fought) together before, had no problems. They zoomed towards the Wyverns like a cheetah on steroids. I was a little slower at adjusting to a cat grabbing me and FLYING while holding me up. After a moment of panic, I regained my balance.

"Sorry!" Happy yelled, "I usually do this with Natsu... So..."

"It's fine!" I interrupted, "Let's just hurry up and help the rest of the Team fight."

"Aye, sir!"

I'm not a 'sir', but okay.

A second later, however, I was grateful that the blue fur-ball grabbed me. Gray and Juvia had launched into an immediate attack. Happy and I kind of floated in the air, watching the two Fairy Tail wizards. My mouth was hanging open as the two carried out a perfect unison raid attack.

The Wyverns really didn't like it when they were slammed with a powerful combination of water and ice. Who would've guessed.

"Chelia, go!" Sting yelled from ahead, slamming his fist into the lead Wyvern's right eye.

"On it! Sky God's Bellow!"

Dark wind flashed towards the Giant Wyverns, who were now causing an uproar. The pavement cracked deafeningly under the combined weights of the massive monsters as they thrashed around.

"Those markings..." I murmured, staring at the Wyvern's glistening scales as Happy and I circled above. Three of the Giant Wyverns had swirly, deep Scarlet markings, whilst the other two had more jagged markings, those of which were a light blue colour.

"What's wrong?" The blue cat asked worriedly. The gears seemed to click into place.

"Guys, be careful! These Wyverns have magical abilities, too! If I remember correctly, the Giant Wyvern species had enhanced muscular systems, and some had the abilities to control elements! Look at the markings! Those three have fire, and those two have ice!" I shouted.

"Damn it!" Sting hollered, "That's really not good for us!"

"We can still take them!" Gray grimaced.

"Juvia agrees!" Juvia said eagerly. I felt a flash of admiration for the Fairy Tail wizards.

"Okay, let's kick some Wyvern butt!" I told Happy, who shouted; "AYE SIR" once more (even though I still haven't magically changed gender to become a 'sir'), and dive bombed the closest Wyvern, which happened to be a fire one. Our plan was simple; annoy the living daylights out of our chosen Wyvern by repetitively dive-bombing it and slamming it with magic. Brilliant!

Meanwhile, Gray and Juvia were working together to keep another fire Wyvern busy, Sting and Lector where zooming around the two Ice Wyverns at the monsters' eye height, and Chelia had engaged the last fire Wyvern. This strategy was going great until the Wyverns' decided that they were fed up with us pesky humans, and started spouting fire and ice everywhere.

"Y'know, this reminds me of the Fairy Tail guild hall..." Sting mused, "Fire and Ice everywhere."


The Wyvern closest to me choose this moment and spurt fire at the two arguing boys.


It was Juvia. She deflected the flames, then went on a rampage against the Wyvern for trying to harm her 'precious Gray-sama'. I felt a sudden surge of sympathy for the Wyverns she was attacking.

I turned my attention to the two Ice Wyverns. They advanced, making weird growling-screeching noises.

"We've been targeted!" Happy yelled in my ear.

"Yep, I know!" I yelled back, "Get us closer!"

Reluctantly, it seemed, Happy flew us closer to the Wyvern, muttering all the way that he 'should have eaten more fish'.


Both Wyverns disappeared under the onslaught of several waves of wind, which then proceeded to condense into a spherical shape. The 'ball' of wind lifted slowly into the air, revolving on the spot. Glittering raindrops swirled around the wind, slipping inside to explode on the Wyverns' scales. The enraged shrieks of the Ice Wyverns reverberated from inside, where even more wind would be slicing at them.

"STAGE TWO!" I commanded, making a palm-down fist motion. The wind super-heated, and quite literally exploded. The Wyverns' decided to assault my ears with howling as the explosion initiated.

"They'll still be conscious, but barely. Let's take them down for good!" I told Happy.


"Storm Phoenix's Ripping Talons!"

Magic whipped around my arms, and long, beautiful Phoenix feathers appeared around my wrists. A light blue energy formed around my hands, creating glowing claw/ talon-like gloves.

The smoke and wind from my previous attack hadn't even cleared, but we shot through towards the Wyverns anyway. I could hear their ear-splitting screeches from a mile away, so it was easy to locate them.

Swiftly, Happy and I darted from one Ice Wyvern to the other, and back again, slashing at them with my magic. Eventually, the larger Ice Wyvern stumbled, toppling sideways into it's companion, which didn't have the resilience to remain standing any longer. There was an almighty crash as they slumped to the ground.

Happy gently flapped down to the ground, then took refuge on my head. I ducked around a broken lamp, and saw Juvia and Chelia finishing off the final Fire Wyvern. There was another thump as it face-planted the broken cobblestone, then complete silence.

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