Chapter Thirty-Five: One Night Stand

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Reyna & Lani🙃 btw y'all have been extremely active these past days🌚 somebody was in need of updates I see..

San Diego, California
February 14, 2016
Kehlani Ashley Parrish

"Micah you seriously about to leave us?" I asked plopping down in the chair next to her. Micah was just about to get ready and make her way to New York for a gig that she was asked to DJ at, and of course she didn't dare pass that shit up. "Micahhh it's gone be so stupid dumb boring without you.."

"Girl I'm coming back in two you'll live."

"I'm nothing without noodz." I whined hugging her body, she giggled rolling her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You got Reyna..aren't y'all going to Hawaii tomorrow?"

"Tonight..our flight is at 4:55, but I still want you there."

"Edward will be there.."

"Bitch." I said. Micah shrugged her shoulders packing her turn tables and disc to scratch. "You keep bringing other names up like I wanna hear them..I want my noodles."

"Bitch fuck you too!" Edward shouted from the balcony. I ignored him as I kept my attention on Micah.

"Lani punnami you'll be ok..we'll reunite sooner than you know the day goes.." I sighed shaking my head. I honestly didn't give a damn about Micah leaving, I just wish she didn't have to leave now..the time we were all going to Hawaii.

"So will you be there tomorrow?"

"Yes namz..I'll only be gone for two days..don't wait up.."

"Oh trust me..I won't." She raised her eyebrow at me snickering:

"Ok if you say so.." I shrugged as she grabbed her duffle bag and suitcase. "Edward I need a hand.."

"Girl I'm tired.."

"From what? You did absolutely nothing.."

"Bitch I do photoshops on a regular basis now and a nigga be baked.."

"Edward get yo ass up and help.." Edward rolled his eyes at me as he placed the lit up spliff to his lips.

"Oh namz I called belly and told him that you were available to do the video shoot on the 19th or this month.."

"Ok that's cool, thanks for letting me know because I would have fucking forgot about that."

"See? Now I know you'll be missing me now huh?"

"Nope.." Micah chuckled flipping me off as she smiled at me. I chuckled leaning up against the wall as Edward struggled to lift her bag.

"See...oh no bitch this bag way to heavy for me to be caring..what the hell you got in here?"

"DJ supplies ed, what did you expect."

"Noodz ! What's going on?" Kachi shouted stepping around them as she entered into my room.

"Leaving for New York..I'll be back tomorrow night.."

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