Chapter Eleven: Work

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Update just for you🙄🙃😊 JessicaElaine1

San Diego, California
May 16, 2015
Robyn Rihanna Fenty

"Robynnn I wish you'd like move your bony ass over there, I need my space." I chuckled rubbing my eyes as I laid in the bed with Lani, she don' like dat' I mess with her in her sleep, but do I give a fuck? Hell no.

"I wish you'd take ya' stank breath ass on somewhere..ya' shit stink like hot garbage." She smacked me on the forehead making me mug her.

"Oh you mad now?" She asked with a smirk on her face, I rolled over on top of her grabbing her wrist pinning them above her head. "Robyn get yo ass off me."

"Fuck dat'...ya' gone keep them hands ta' yourself.."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll kill ya' with my tongue."

"Oh wow..that's so scary."

"Keep talking"

"You ain't go do get off."

"Gimme kiss first?" I leaned down only inches away from her lips.

"Come too far."

"Nope..babygirl reach for my lips, I want ya' chasing after these lips." She smacked her lips struggling getting out my grasp.

"Rihanna..get off."

"Keep trying Lani..ya' got it baby." I laughed as I felt her legs wiggling around under me.

"Robyn seriously..I got to pee." She whined pursing her lips together, I smacked my lips leaning down taking her bottom lip in my mouth, I opened my mouth allowing her tongue entrance, my hands slowly trailed down her arms then I cupped her face. "Mm move move.. I gotta pee." She said quickly, I chuckled rolling on the side of her and she hopped off the bed runing to the bathroom. Ever since I came to Lani room that day, we've been hanging out every chance we can, and she's slowly starting to let me come around more, but of course her friends still don' know shit about us, I ain't gone pressure her ta' tell her friends about us, but if she wait to long then I have no choice but to tell them my damn self. The other night we didn't fuck, oh trust and believe we almost got there but her friend brought her food interrupting our little scene so I had ta' leave an shit. I heard the toilet flush and water begin running, I hopped off the bed fixing my black shirt and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Lani? Hurry up in there." I heard gargling and I chuckled opening the door seeing her rinse her mouth with mouthwash.

"Robyn g-get out." I scoff walking in closing the door behind me, I towered over her frame as I stared at her in the mirror. I placed my hands on the sink on both sides of her as she spit out the mouthwash. "Why you staring?"

"Because I have eyes to stare.."

"Not at me you don't." I placed my right hand on her hip turning her around so she was looking at me.

"Ya' really gone regret this little attitude with me Kehlani..I'm not playing..just fucking wait." I said nodding my head smirking at her, she giggled shrugging her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brushed a stray hair from my face.

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