Chapter Eighteen: Road to Love

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New York, NY
July 4, 2015
12:33 AM
Kehlani Ashley Parrish

"Namz are you ready yet...our flight leaves at 12:55 and your ass still don't even got your bags packed." I huffed as I zipped my jacket up and placed my hood over my head. It was finally our last day in New York and now we're off to DC its cold as hell out here in the NY so I'm glad to be attending DC for my next show. I packed up all my belongings into the suitcase and zipper everything up as I grabbed my duffle bag and phones. I rolled everything out into the living room where noodz Edward yani and David and Effie were waiting on me.

"Damn took you long enough."

"My fault for over sleeping last night..a bitch was tired and yet y'all wanna rush me and y'all be taking twenty thousand years washing y'all stank asses..yea I guess it's my fault."

"But ain't you the last person ready?" David asked raising his eyebrow at me.

"Fuck you David." They chuckled and picked there bags up and we were out of the hotel room and into our truck.

"Namz you do know you have a photo shoot as soon as we get to DC right?" I cock my head looking at him.

"What photo shoot? I wasn't aware of a photo shoot." I said looking at him. Noodz shook her head laughing. "What?"

"We've been told you this nami but you've been depressed about Rih."

"I wasn't depressed." I said quickly, they nodded there heads laughing.

"Lies." Effie said shaking her head. "You know damn well every time you take yo ass to sleep you dream of that tongue slurping every part of your body." I smacked my lips as I rolled my eyes.

"That's a damn lie and you know that shit Effie." I lied pointing my finger at her, I did have a couple of dreams about Rih...seducing my body. I can't help what I dream about, dreams just come to mind without you thinking.

"Now nami why are you lying?" Noodz asked, I rolled my eyes as we continued our journey to the airport.

"I'm not lying though." I lied as I placed my shades over my eyes, I reached into my pocket pulling my phone out as I went to my Instagram until I had this horrible idea. "David can we hit up this apartment?"

"Uh why? We have to be in DC on time for you photo shoot namz." Yani said.

"I just need to see something.." I mumbled looking out the window, for some reason, my mind was telling me to go see her and just see if she's still in New York. I just had to know for myself before I leave New York.


"Pull over David..." I said pointing to the spot right In front of Rih apartment building.

"Bitch we ain't got time." Edward said shaking his head.

"Chill out Ed, I'll be back." I opened the door as I stepped out the truck walking over to the driver side. "David I'll be right out, it'll take me a good three minutes."

"Gotchu nami." I nodded as I walked around the car and into the apartment building, had to was really nice, a nice place for her to stay while traveling different locations. I walked up to the front desk as I seen a middle aged women typing something in the computer. I walked up as I stood waiting patients for her to notice me.

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