Chapter Five: Taking L's

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Los, Angeles California
April 28,2015
Robyn Rihanna Fenty

"Robs why do ya' ave' dis'?" Leandre asked as she picked up one of my jackets with a big ass scull on it. I smirked looking at her.

"Because I like it, why else would I av' it?"

"Because ya' crazy as shït...Mel talk ta' ya' friend."

"What is der' ta' say Lee..ya' know Rob got a little devil in er' blood." Mel said while typing on er' phone.

"All you guys do is talk about each other..that gets annoying."

"Shut up Jenn, ya' need ya' husband to dick you down some more." I chuckled picking up a pillow and throwing it at er.

"Melissa don't make me cut you." Jenn said walking over and sitting next to me.

"So Robyn?" I look over at LeLe as she called me.


"So what's the deal with dat' Kehlani chick? She seems like a rough one." I nodded my head, she was right about that.

"She's' attitude just pisses me off half the time...but I know she's trying to open up more."

"Are ya' saying dat' she is talking more with ya' or?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying...I like er." I said with a smirk.

"Now Rob...don' make dis' poor girl go crazy over ya'."

"If it happens..then I don' care...she's started to make me smile myself..but ya' know I don' wanna be so demanding with er'."

"Your Rihanna...your always demanding..that isn't changing." Jenn said picking with her finger nails. I smacked my lips at er' giving her a glare.

"She's right ain't changing from the demanding bitch you are."

"Ya' know what fuck all three of ya.."

"Don' get snotty Robyn, ya' know it's da' truth." I rolled my eyes getting up from the couch.

"Awww now she's all mad now." Mel said with a smile on er' face I flipped er' off picking my keys up and phone.

"Whea' ya' going robs?" Leandre asked as she starting recording me. I put my hand up so she wouldn't see me.

"I'm going for a drive...ta' get away from ya' bitches."

"Ya' look cute by da' wey'..don' ya' wanna smile fa' da' camera robs." I turned around so da' camera was in my face.

"Ya' Leandre..are wasting my time." She busted out laughing throwing er' hands up.

"Fine robs, we'll be ere' getting ya' wardrobe an everyting' ready fa' ya' concert."

"Leandre don' fall fa' ha' shenanigans, all she doing is going ta' see Kehlani."

"Actually I'm not."

"Da' lies."

"Fuck off Melissa."

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