Chapter Twenty Eight: Stranger Things

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Ok I lied...I'm sorry😒
Toronto, Ontario
January 13, 2016
Robyn Rihanna Fenty

I stared at the love of my life as she slept peacefully next ta' me wrapped around my waist. I was still a little pissed about the shit she told me the other night, lord knows I love her ta' much ta' lose her ta' suicide, I wouldn't be able ta' forgive myself because I couldn't stop her. I'm just glad she did think of me while in that state of mind, I saved her from a stupid choice. We were on her tour bus heading ta' get some breakfast then I would be off ta' my photoshoot fa' anti, I'm honestly happy with it..I worked so hard on this creation my navy were going ta' freak. "Sweetheart?" I look over my shoulder seeing mama walking towards the back, she smiled at me and I smiled back at her.


"She's been sleep a while now, did she not get any rest the other night?" I lick over my lips smirking ta' myself.

"Oh she got enough's dat' she was telling me some deep shït that she went through over the year..I don' know if ya' know or not?" Mama slowly took a seat next to kehlani as she placed her hand on her thigh.

"She's told me things before but not it something serious?" I lick my lips looking down at Lani, I really didn't want ta' be the one ta' tell her some fucked up shït like dis', so I kept it ta' my damn self.

"Nah's nothing serious." She gave me the side eye as she slowly nodded her head.

"I'll talk to her later on, maybe whatever your not telling she'll tell me hopefully.." I nodded my head shifting around on the couch.

"Yes ma'am.." she gave me smile before getting up from the couch and leaving me and Lani alone. I looked down at her seeing she was blinking her eyes staring off into space. "Hey sleepy head..didn't know ya' were up.." she turned on her right side staring up at me with those brown eyes.

"Thanks for not telling her.." I nodded my head leaning down kissing her forehead.

"It wasn't my place ta' tell her, it's best if ya' tell her..well if ya' decide ta.."

"I don't know if I mom loves me dearly..and For her to-" she cut herself off shaking her head.

"Baby it's ok..I'm here now..I'll be here ta' look after ya'..I'll do it." She sat up laying her head on my chest, I ran my fingers through her blond curls as I had my eyes closed hearing her breath freely.

"I can't believe I've got someone like you Robyn Fenty..biggest blessing I've ever got from god." I looked down at her and smiled, I lifted her chin up and leaned forward pressing my lips ta' hers, Lani turned her body towards me as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I pecked her lips multiple times and pulled awey' while my forehead was still placed against hers.

"Same fa' me princess..same fa' me.." she giggled making me chuckle.

"Did you sleep at all?"

"No..I just watched ya' sleep..felt I needed ta' watch over ya'.."

"You didn't have to Robyn."

"But I wanted ta'..its what I wanted."

"Ok fine I forgot who I'm talking to.." I chuckled watching her get up from the couch stretching.

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