Chapter 11: New Ability

Start from the beginning

"I did not think so." He left the room without a word and I heard him sit on the couch. I threw the outfit on and grabbed a leather jacket before leaving the room.

Once I entered the room Edward got up and stared at me and started to take a step closer but I put my hand out to stop him.

"Edward, stop coming closer or else I will attack you." I informed him while getting into a hunting crouch, while the back of mind was arguing that this is my husband I am about to attack.

"Why?" His voice was barely a whisper, but due to my vampire hearing I heard him.

"When the time is right, you will know, until then just stop trying to get close to me."

Edward's Pov

My wife was literally on fire, and I was amazed. If possible she has gotten even more beautiful. The flames outlined her curves perfectly making my mouth water. I was still gawking at her while everyone took a step back. Emmett had to pull me back, knowing that I was immobilized for a moment. 

Just then Jacob and Renessmee walked in hand in hand, but once they saw Bella their laughter stopped and Jacob got in a protective crouch in front of my daughter. Though I think that it was not necessary, since I know for a fact that even if she is tempted to attack anyone near her she still has a heart. 

And in that heart she will not hurt anyone she loves. Jasper felt the fury radiating from Bella and watched what she was doing. Jacob blocked her exit and I did not like that smile on his face when he looked at my Bella. 

My guess is that neither did Bella, since she made him fly back and hit some trees to brake his fall. Bella took this as her cue to leave and so she did, but I wanted to follow her and that is what I did.

From the corner of her eye, she stared at me for a brief moment. Her flames went down and she was covered in little clothing. I walked closer to her, but she ran in the direction of the cottage before I got the chance to close the distance.

She reached the cottage and began looking for something to wear. She grabbed a long sleeved green shirt and black jeans, what happened to the dressy girl that she turned into when she became a vampire?

She told me she needed to change and I was raking my eyes all over her body as I told her that I had seen it all already. Though what I really wanted to say is that I want to help her with whatever she is going through. I don't want her to go through anything on her own, we are supposed to go through everything together. She glared at me and started saying how it has been a while since I last seen her body, which is true, but she is still my wife. 

I left towards the living room and sat on the couch realizing that she is going to glare at me forever if I did not leave. I began to think, but before I thought of an idea I heard her graceful steps. 

I stood up and was about I ask her to elaborate on all of what happened with the rape. Most importantly who did it.She told me that if I went closer she would attack me. That alone sent a pang of pain in me. I wished to be near her. To comfort her in her darkest hours, but I know that she needed her space. Rape was not something easy to go through. If only I knew wo raped her, all would be well.

Why does life have to be so complicated?

I mean I could have dealt with a shopaholic like Alice, but this is out of my hands. I then realized what I needed to do. 

I needed to talk to Alice.


Thoughts? :)

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