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FORTY-NINE | instagram

athenaleigh: me and babe say good morning!!721k likes, 234k comments

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athenaleigh: me and babe say good morning!!
721k likes, 234k comments

username1: That isn't Steven so it's not you and babe??

username2: good morning, athena & ares (& steven wherever the heck he is)

steveyeun: my fave person 😻❤️

athenaleigh: @steveyeun ❤️❤️❤️

username3: sTATHENA

steveyeun: @athenaleigh i meant ares.

username4: @steveyeun 😂😂😂

athenaleigh: @steveyeun ares isn't a person.

username5: stathena is relationship goals ngl

steveyeun: @athenaleigh lET ME LIVE ATHENA


athenaleigh: boyfriend also says hitagged; @steveyeun832k likes, 312k comments

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athenaleigh: boyfriend also says hi
tagged; @steveyeun
832k likes, 312k comments

username1: future wife says hi

athenaleigh: @username1 i already said hi to him tho...?

username2: DID SHE JUST


abiporter: THINGS SHE DID: THAT!


steveyeun: she isn't lying tho

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